Ten main developments in 2011
Milestones, TimelineIn December 2011, Dr. Jovan Kurbalija, the director of Diplo, made predictions for digital policy for 2012, initiating an annual tradition of forecasting.
Diplomatic English
Courses, TimelineA workshop on Diplomatic English was launched in 2011 by Diplo lecturers to enhance diplomats' communication skills in writing, public speaking, and media interviews. The program emphasized practical tasks such as clarity in writing, social media communication, PowerPoint presentations, and public speaking techniques, including impromptu and prepared speeches.
Diplomatic protocol and etiquette
Courses, TimelineIn November 2011, Mr. Olaph Terribile conducted a three-day workshop at the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy on Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette, covering diplomatic relations, state visits, and social event etiquette for participants of the Advanced Foreign Service Programme.
Ten years of Cybercrime Convention
Events, TimelineA discussion at the Palais des Nations in Geneva marked the 10-year anniversary of the Council of Europe's Convention on Cybercrime, exploring cybersecurity challenges, balancing security with human rights, lessons learned, and the Convention's effectiveness in addressing global cyber issues.
IG book launched in Serbian
Publications, TimelineDiplo launched the Serbian edition of "An Introduction to Internet Governance" by Dr. Jovan Kurbalija in November 2011. The book is available to read online.
Translate climate
Milestones, TimelineIn November 2011, during a climate change conference in Durban, discussions raised concerns about understanding climate change universally. Diplo initiated the Translate Climate project to engage people in translating climate illustrations into different languages for broader comprehension.
The role of parliamentary diplomacy
Courses, TimelineDr Jovan Kurbalija discussed parliamentary diplomacy's role in building confidence and inclusiveness in international affairs at a conference of Small European States' Presidents. The event concluded with a joint declaration on enhancing parliamentary diplomacy, including plans for training and capacity building in this area.
Emerging Leaders for the Digital World
Publications, TimelineDiplo launched Emerging Leaders for the Digital World during an event in Nairobi in September 2011.
21st Century Diplomacy: A Practitioner’s Guide
Publications, TimelineThe text discusses the evolution of diplomacy in the 21st century due to globalization and interdependence among states. Ambassador Kishan S. Rana's book, "21st Century Diplomacy," delves into the complexity of modern diplomacy, addressing various factors shaping diplomatic practice in today's world.
Migration and development
Courses, TimelineIn September 2011, the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs teamed up with Diplo to provide an online course on Migration and Development, offering a conceptual framework and analytical tools to understand the link between international migration and economic and social development.