The rights of future generations: A practical approach
Revisit Climate diplomacyThe rights of future generations are crucial, but how do we balance theory with practical action? Aldo Matteucci explores sustainable development, intergenerational justice, and real-world solutions.
Micro and macro philosophy
RevisitHow do the Stoic ideas of Marcus Aurelius and Gandhi’s non-violence intersect? Both seek inner peace, yet their philosophies operate on vastly different scales: individual vs societal. Aldo Matteucci examines.
Unofficial diplomacy: Jean-Yves Ollivier
RevisitWhat is parallel diplomacy, and how can it resolve conflicts where traditional methods fail? Discover Jean-Yves Ollivier’s role in Africa's peaceful conflict solutions.
From citizen-soldiers to imperialism: The evolution of democratic warfare
RevisitWhat drives democracies to replace citizen-soldiers with professional armies? Aldo Matteucci examines how wars of choice contribute to imperial ambitions.
West vs East: Approaches to fighting corruption
RevisitCan the West's focus on transparency and the East's emphasis on moral accountability provide complementary tools to combat it? Aldo Matteucci investigates.
Could we rebuild morality from scratch?
Revisit Ethics, Principles and valuesIf morality were destroyed, could we rebuild it from its fragments? Aldo Matteucci examines Alasdair MacIntyre’s theory.
How and why language is hardening in modern discourse
RevisitLanguage is shifting – words like ‘dialogue’ and ‘conversation’ are being replaced by ‘debate’ and ‘discussion’. Is this hardening of tone a sign of the times? Aldo Matteucci analyses.
Collateral consequences: The unseen price of consumerism
RevisitMarkets excel at facilitating trade, but they fail to address the unintended consequences of consumerism like pollution. Aldo Matteucci provides ideas on how to approach these hidden costs.
Diplomatic extraterritoriality
Revisit Diplomatic theory and practice BlogsDiplomatic extraterritoriality isn’t absolute, but a tool shaped by political necessity. Examples from historic ambassadors to Assange show how its application is influenced by power dynamics. Aldo Matteucci analyses.
The dangers of believing states always act rationally
RevisitBlindly believing in state rationality can lead to disaster. Historical mistakes, from Brest-Litovsk to unrestricted warfare, show the dangers of ignoring past lessons. Aldo Matteucci analyses.