Part 3: Crafting AI – Building chatbots
Alumni, humAInism Artificial IntelligenceWhat are the key steps in building chatbots for diplomacy and governance? Dr Anita Lamprecht writes about the essential tools to craft effective AI solutions tailored for diplomatic contexts.
Part 2.5: AI reinforcement learning vs human governance
Alumni, humAInism Artificial IntelligenceBoth AI and human governance evolve through trial and error, but how do they differ? Dr Anita Lamprecht compares the two systems to explore the potential impacts of AI on society.
Understanding AI: Why does it matter?
humAInism, IFDT Artificial IntelligenceMany in diplomacy recognise AI’s importance but are unsure how to approach it. Andrej Škrinjarić, director of Education & Training at Diplo, explores what AI can and can’t do, how Diplo is integrating it into diplomatic training, and why it’s crucial to start using it now.
Part 1: AI Apprenticeship 2024 @ DiploFoundation
Alumni, humAInism Artificial IntelligenceThe AI Apprenticeship course has kicked off! Learn how participants are building their very own AI bots and why gaining independence from big tech is a game changer. Dr Anita Lamprecht writes.
The end of freedom in cyberspace?
humAInism Artificial IntelligenceIs cyberspace still a realm of freedom, or has it become defined by control and surveillance? With commercialisation and geopolitical tensions rising, are we trading too much privacy for security? Petru Dumitriu analyses.
New interview with AI. Confessions. Know the weaknesses.
AI Technology, humAInism Artificial IntelligenceIn his second chat with AI, Petru delves into a conversation revealing AI assistant strengths and weaknesses.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Chatbot, and the Word was Chatbot
AI & linguistics, humAInism Artificial IntelligenceHow do chatbots like Chatbot actually work? The post looks at the processes which allow chatbots to learn and work.
Part 3 – Speaking of futures: Presuppositions
AI & linguistics, Diplo Wisdom Circle, humAInism Artificial Intelligence, Capacity development, Language (and) diplomacyIn her third post on futures literacy, Dr Biljana Scott delves into presuppositions and their influence on how we perceive the future, especially regarding AI.
Part 2 – Speaking of futures: Que será, será
AI & linguistics, Diplo Wisdom Circle, humAInism Artificial Intelligence, Diplomatic functions and tools, Infrastructure, Internet governance and digital policy, Negotiations, Persuasion, Types of diplomacyIn her second post on futures literacy, Dr Biljana Scott explores the influence of storytelling, logical fallacies, and archetypal themes on our perceptions of the future.
Religious history and big data
AI & philosophy, humAInism, Revisit Artificial IntelligenceIn 2015, Aldo Matteucci commented on the ambitious plan for a big data-driven encyclopedia of religious cultural history, highlighting issues with Western biases and the difficulty of quantifying religious experiences.