Open innovation in the proprietary world
Events, TimelineA consortium, including Diplo, discussed the effects of proprietary protection on innovation and the future of Open Innovation in the proprietary world.
Cybersecurity: a Strategic View
Events, Timeline Panels and conferences Network security EventsThe Geneva Internet Platform is hosting the Geneva Cybersecurity Days series throughout 2015 in collaboration with various partners to address cybersecurity challenges globally, with the first event focusing on Cybersecurity: a Strategic View. The events aim to raise awareness and promote a coordinated global response to cybersecurity issues, in alignment with the Geneva Message on Strengthening Internet Governance. Discussions include cybersecurity challenges, the Finnish approach to cybersecurity, and the importance of public-private partnerships in addressing these risks. The events seek to enhance cooperation among stakeholders to tackle the escalating threats posed by increasing digitalization in society.
Education diplomacy – An emerging concept
Events, TimelineThe Association for Childhood Education International and Diplo collaborated on a Education Diplomacy Day in Geneva to explore the rising idea of education diplomacy, assembling educators, diplomats, and international development professionals for discussions.
Improving understanding between Asia and Europe
Events, TimelineA three-day training workshop in Geneva in July 2014 aimed to enhance public diplomacy efforts and foster better understanding between Asia and Europe, supported by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland, Asia-Europe Foundation, and the University of Canterbury.
Diplomatic reporting in the Internet era Event
Events, Timeline Panels and conferences Diplomatic reporting EventsA workshop in Geneva aims to enhance reporting skills for diplomats and international officials attending meetings in the city. Training includes traditional and internet-based reporting techniques, with a focus on clear and concise communication. The program is designed by experts and will offer follow-up sessions and webinars. Participants will gain skills in listening, identifying core issues, and utilizing new media. The workshop will be interactive and led by experienced trainers, with a virtual classroom component. Upon completion, participants will receive a certificate in Diplomatic and Internet Reporting. Scholarships are available for participants from small and developing countries and prospective Geneva Internet Rapporteurs.
‘Emerging Language of Internet Diplomacy’ features in LAC project
Events, TimelineThe text discusses the evolution of women's involvement in internet governance over the years, highlighting the progress from mere mentions of gender issues to active participation. It references Dafne Sabanes Plou's update on women in the information society and a study on the Emerging Language of Internet Diplomacy, emphasizing the increasing engagement and contributions of women in these processes.
Online Learning Day
Events, Timeline Panels and conferences Capacity development, Online education EventsThe Online Learning Day held on April 17, 2013, aimed to foster discussion on online learning, focusing on its benefits, trends, and potential for global impact. The event included online sessions and in-person meet-ups, featuring discussions on topics like the effectiveness of massive open online courses, practical online teaching, and the importance of trust in online learning. Providers showcased their programs, emphasizing the relevance of online learning for those in diplomacy, international relations, and global policy. The initiative aimed to highlight advancements, challenges, and opportunities in online education.
Cyberwar and cybercrime
Events, TimelineVladimir Radunovic participated in a panel discussion at the 2012 Belgrade Security Forum, focusing on cyberwar and cybercrime, emphasizing global cooperation as vital for effective governance in this realm.
Public diplomacy workshop in Cape Town
Events, TimelineA successful Public Diplomacy workshop was conducted in Cape Town at the South African Parliament by Dr. Alex Trigona, Liz Galvez, and Pete Cranston. Participants positively responded to both traditional public diplomacy topics and e-diplomacy.
Public diplomacy for South African diplomats
Events, TimelineSouth African diplomats participated in a workshop on Public Diplomacy in 2012, focusing on traditional and e-diplomacy topics. The workshop included senior staff, armed forces, and police, concluding with group exercises on developing a strategy for South Africa's upcoming chairing role in the African Union.