[HOW-TO] How to use UberConference for hosting an event
This guide will provide basic information on the use of UberConference video communication platform.
[HOW-TO] How to use Cisco Webex for hosting an event
Cisco Webex is an online application for video conferencing launched in 1995.
[HOW-TO] How to use Remo for hosting an online event
Remo is an online conferencing platform that enables users to enjoy the conferencing experience and human interaction in an online environment.
[HOW-TO] Comment utiliser Zoom pour organiser des réunions en ligne
La facilité d'utilisation de Zoom l'a mérité une place de choix parmi les plateformes en ligne les plus populaires au monde. Dans ce guide, nous vous montrons comment l'utiliser.
[HOW-TO] How to participate in a meeting on Zoom
Zoom is one of the most popular tools. It's no wonder that so many meetings are taking place on Zoom. If you're a first-timer, here's an easy guide on how to access your online room.
[HOW-TO] How to use Zoom for hosting an event
Zoom's ease-of-use has earned it a top spot among the world's most popular online platforms. In this beginners' guide for hosts, we will show you how to use it.
[HOW-TO] Do’s and Don’ts for Online Hosts and Moderators
Should I encourage participants to use video? How long should the Q&A be? Oh, and do I allow speakers to use PPTs? We answer these and other questions in this How-to for online moderators and hosts.
[GUIDE] Turn that background off… or on
Context is the main victim in online events. With your light-hearted hat on, watch the 'incidents' captured on video. Plus, follow our tips for an incident-free appearance.
Cybersecurity online course
Alumni, Capacity development, Courses, Critical infrastructure, Cybersecurity, Faculty, guidelines, Telecommunications infrastructure Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Capacity development, Child safety online, Children's rights, Cloud Computing, Conflict and crisis, Conflict resolution & Mediation, Contemporary diplomacy, Content policy, Critical infrastructure, Critical internet resources, Cyber diplomacy, Cyberconflict and warfare, Cybercrime, Cybermediation, Cybernorms, Data governance, Development, Digital diplomacy, Digital foreign policy, Digital identities, Digital legacies, Digital standards, Diplomacy courses and workshops, Diplomatic career, Diplomatic service, E-commerce and trade, E-government, E-tools, Emerging technologies, Encryption, Energy diplomacy, Ethics, Foreign ministries, Freedom of expression, Gender rights online, Geopolitics, Infrastructure, Intellectual property rights, Interdisciplinary approaches, International law, International organisations, Internet governance and digital policy, Internet of things, Jurisdiction, Legal and regulatory, Liability of intermediaries, Multilateral diplomacy, Multistakeholder diplomacy, Network security, Online diplomacy, Online education, Pedagogy, Politics and governance, Principles and values, Privacy and data protection, Public policy, Regional cooperation, Regionalism, Security, Semiconductor diplomacy, Semiconductors, Social media, Surveillance, Telecommunications infrastructure, Terrorism, Trust, Violent extremism, Virtual diplomacy CoursesThe course analyses cybersecurity challenges, and the roles diplomacy, legal instruments, policies and other factors play in addressing cyberthreats, including cybersecurity issues; online crime, warfare, and terrorism; e-commerce; cybersecurity; and cybersecurity strategies and instruments.
Humanitarian Diplomacy online diploma course
Alumni, Capacity development, Courses, Faculty, guidelines Argumentation, Bilateral diplomacy, Capacity development, Civil society, Communication, Conflict and crisis, Contemporary diplomacy, Development diplomacy, Diplomacy courses and workshops, Diplomatic functions and tools, Diplomatic theory and practice, Energy diplomacy, Ethics, Food diplomacy, Foreign ministries, Health diplomacy, Honorary consuls, Human rights, Humanitarian diplomacy, Intercultural communication, International law, International organisations, International relations and diplomacy, Jurisdiction, Legal and regulatory, Liability of intermediaries, Multilateral diplomacy, Multistakeholder diplomacy, Negotiations, Online education, Persuasion, Principles and values, Public policy, Regionalism, Social media, Transparency, Trust CoursesThe course covers persuasion, advocacy, and negotiations in humanitarian diplomacy; how to mobilise public and governmental support; how to facilitate effective partnerships; tips and suggestions for communicating with different audiences, and more.