Getting strategic about websites
Conferences, TimelineDiploProjects organized a conference in Geneva in 2002 on Web-Management for International Organizations discussing the strategic importance of websites for effective communication in multilateral diplomacy.

Web-management in diplomacy (2nd conference)
Conferences, TimelineThe second International Conference on Web-Management in Diplomacy, held in Malta in February 2002, emphasized addressing specific diplomatic service needs through functional and reliable web-management. Diplomats, web designers, and specialists collaborated on strategies during the event.
Web-management in diplomacy (1st conference)
Conferences, TimelineDiploProjects held the International Conference on Web-Management in Diplomacy in Malta from February 9-11, 2001.
Language and diplomacy conference
Conferences, TimelineDiploProjects delved into Language and Diplomacy in 2001, organizing an international conference on the subject. This initiative resulted in a book titled "Language and Diplomacy," comprising papers from conferences held in 2000 and 2001. Dr. Jovan Kurbalija and Hannah Slavik edited the collection.
Knowledge and diplomacy (2nd conference)
Conferences, TimelineIn February 2000, experts convened for the second international conference on Knowledge and Diplomacy to delve deeper into the subject.
Knowledge and diplomacy conference
Conferences, TimelineThe Conference on Knowledge and Diplomacy, organized by DiploProjects, united global experts to exchange insights and publish conference papers in a book named "Knowledge and Diplomacy.
Is diplomacy profession in peril?
Conferences, TimelineJovan Kurbalija discussed the impact of digitalization on diplomacy at a conference in July 1997, presenting a threefold methodology to assess its effects.
First presentation on computers and diplomacy at the International Forum on Diplomatic Training
Conferences, TimelineThe text discusses the incorporation of computers in diplomacy, particularly highlighted in the first presentation at the International Forum on Diplomatic Training in Ankara, Turkey in 1996. Subsequently, computer applications in diplomacy became a recurring theme in annual Forum meetings.
Training on information technology in international relations for Commonwealth diplomats
Conferences, TimelineCommonwealth diplomats participated in a workshop in Malta from 20 November to 1 December 1995, focused on information technology's role in international relations.