Master’s Graduation 2008 – University of Malta
Alumni Courses Contemporary diplomacy EventsSix students graduated from the University of Malta and Diplo with a Master in Contemporary Diplomacy in 2008. The graduation ceremony was held at the Jesuit's church in Valletta, Malta. Each graduate focused on specific research topics. Details of their diverse studies are listed, and the university extends thanks to the faculty who guided the graduates. A Times of Malta article on the ceremony can be accessed for more information.
Seminar on Diplomatic Protocol (Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy)
Alumni Training and workshops Diplomatic protocol and etiquette EventsMr Olaph Terrible conducted a successful workshop on diplomatic protocol at the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy, attended by Azeri diplomats and officials. The workshop covered state visits, event organization, and etiquette, receiving high praise. The event strengthened the collaboration between the Academy and DiploFoundation.
PGD in Contemporary Diplomacy Graduation – University of Malta
Alumni Courses Contemporary diplomacy EventsParticipants from the 2005 and 2006 Postgraduate Diploma in Contemporary Diplomacy at the University of Malta graduated in a ceremony at the Jesuit's church in Valletta on December 7, 2007. Congratulations to the graduates: Florin Botonogu, Luciano Fonoti, Anne Namakau Mutelo, Sandra Poitier, Cheryl Gaile Thompson, Aldo Zammit Borda, and Masuzgo Kaonga.
Master’s Graduation 2007 – University of Malta
Alumni Courses Contemporary diplomacy EventsThe University of Malta celebrated the graduation of the first eleven candidates from the Master in Contemporary Diplomacy program in 2007. Students from diverse backgrounds presented dissertations focusing on various diplomatic topics. The ceremony took place at the Jesuit's church in Valletta, Malta, with future graduations anticipated. Congratulations to the graduates, and gratitude to faculty members. For more details and the list of graduates, the Times of Malta article can be accessed at the provided link.
Online Learning in Diplomacy
Alumni Training and workshops Online education EventsOnline learning is crucial for diplomats due to their global reach. Decision-makers must tackle practical issues to implement effective online training programs. This workshop offered guidance on creating learner-focused and relevant online learning programs for diplomats, overcoming institutional, technical, and cultural challenges.
Seminar: Roma Diplomacy, “Virtual Diplomacy for a Virtual Nation”
Alumni Training and workshops Roma diplomacy EventsThe seminar discussed the concept of Roma Diplomacy under the theme "Virtual Diplomacy for a Virtual Nation," exploring policy partnerships and the communication gap between Roma communities and decision makers, in comparison to classical diplomacy.
International Conference on Web-Management in Diplomacy
Alumni Panels and conferences EventsThe International Conference on Web-Management in Diplomacy discussed the significance of the internet in public diplomacy and the lack of knowledge in web development techniques despite its growing importance.
International Conference on Language and Diplomacy
Alumni Panels and conferences Language (and) diplomacy EventsThe International Conference on Language and Diplomacy delved into traditional and modern language aspects in diplomacy, exploring topics like negotiation and interpretation as well as challenges brought by technology. The presentations considered theoretical and practical viewpoints on these issues.
Second International Conference on Knowledge and Diplomacy
Alumni Panels and conferences Science diplomacy EventsThe Second International Conference on Knowledge and Diplomacy highlighted the significance of language, documents, and information management for diplomacy, emphasizing the need for organizational adjustments to enhance effectiveness.
International Conference on Knowledge and Diplomacy
Alumni Panels and conferences Science diplomacy EventsThe conference focused on how knowledge management can benefit diplomatic services by discussing institutional memory, its activation, and practical techniques for knowledge management in diplomacy.