Diplomatic Law: Privileges and Immunities online course
Alumni Diplomacy courses and workshops, Diplomatic career, Diplomatic law, Diplomatic protocol and etiquette, Diplomatic service, Diplomatic theory and practice, Foreign ministries, Foreign policy, International relations and diplomacy, Jurisdiction, Migration, Multilateral diplomacy, Online education, Privileges and immunities, Remote participation, Sports diplomacy CoursesThe course covers the legal basis of privileges and immunities, the theoretical justifications for privileges and immunities, and the use and abuse of privileges and immunities.
Diplomacy of Small States online course
Alumni Diplomacy courses and workshops, Diplomacy of small states CoursesThe course analyses the role of small states in the international order, multilateral and regional grouping tactics, approaches to safeguarding their territorial integrity, and much more.
Public Diplomacy online course
Alumni Capacity development, Digital diplomacy, Diplomacy courses and workshops, Diplomatic functions and tools, Diplomatic theory and practice, Online education, Public Diplomacy CoursesLearn the goals and methods of public diplomacy, its power and limitations, as well as public diplomacy best practices, how to build national brands, how to measure strategy effectiveness, and how to identify workable tools and methods.
Language and Diplomacy online course
Alumni Diplomacy courses and workshops, Diplomatic theory and practice, Education diplomacy, Negotiations CoursesMaster the skills and tools for securing agreements and changing diplomatic outcomes, including creating effective texts and visual messages; how to properly analyse and predict the influence of treaties, speeches, and advertising; and much more.
Capacity Development online course
Alumni Capacity development, Citizen engagement, Civil society, Cultural diversity, Democracy, Development diplomacy, Digital divide, Diplomacy courses and workshops, Diplomatic functions and tools, Gender rights online, Globalisation, International organisations, International relations and diplomacy, Internet governance and digital policy, Online education, Politics and governance, Public policy, Roma diplomacy, Social media, Sustainable development, Telecommunications infrastructure, Transparency CoursesLearn how to design, plan, implement, and assess development initiatives, develop capacity development strategies, select the appropriate methods and tools, formulate capacity goals, evaluate processes, and more.
Introduction to Internet Governance online course
Alumni Cloud Computing, Contemporary diplomacy, Critical infrastructure, Cybercrime, Cybersecurity, Digital divide, Digital identities, Digital standards, E-commerce and trade, E-government, Freedom of expression, Gender rights online, Intellectual property rights, International relations and diplomacy, Internet governance and digital policy, Internet of things, Multistakeholder diplomacy, Net neutrality and zero-rating, Network security, Politics and governance, Privacy and data protection, Remote participation, Science diplomacy, Social media, Telecommunications infrastructure CoursesMaster internet governance policies, processes, actors, and issues, including cybersecurity, network neutrality, intellectual property rights, privacy protection, social network policies, and more.
E-Diplomacy online course
Alumni Capacity development, Digital diplomacy, Diplomacy courses and workshops, Nation branding, Public Diplomacy, Types of diplomacy CoursesLearn the dos and don’ts of online tools for diplomats, including how to promote your country's foreign policy goals via social media, how online networking works, how to avoid cyberattacks and security risks, and how to plan and run online diplomatic campaigns.
Economic Diplomacy online course
Alumni, Capacity development, Courses, E-commerce and trade, Faculty Capacity development, Communication, Development diplomacy, Digital standards, Diplomacy courses and workshops, Diplomatic theory and practice, E-commerce and trade, Economic diplomacy, Foreign ministries, Foreign policy, Globalisation, Intellectual property rights, Intercultural communication, International law, International relations and diplomacy, Internet governance and digital policy, Legal and regulatory, Nation branding, Negotiations, Online education, Pedagogy, Politics and governance, Privacy and data protection, Regionalism, Sociocultural, Sustainable development, Taxation CoursesLearn how economic diplomacy is connected to other diplomatic branches; trends in economic exchanges, especially in international trade; the purposes of economic sanctions; and much more.
Multilateral Diplomacy online course
Alumni Cold War diplomacy, Communication, Conflict and crisis, Conflict resolution & Mediation, Cultural diversity, Democracy, Diplomacy courses and workshops, Diplomatic career, Diplomatic law, Diplomatic reporting, Diplomatic service, Diplomatic theory and practice, Globalisation, International relations and diplomacy, Multilateral diplomacy, Multistakeholder diplomacy, Negotiations, Online education, Politics and governance, Social media, Translation and interpretation CoursesThe specialised course covers multilateral actors and their roles; frameworks, rules, and methods, with a focus on the UN system; past, current, and future developments affecting multilateral systems; and much more.
Diplomatic Communication online course
Alumni Diplomacy courses and workshops, Education diplomacy CoursesMaster the skills for balancing authority with attentiveness, including how to assert your position confidently while remaining respectful, disagree without conflict, and stay composed under pressure.