5 things I’ve learned on public speaking
Alumni Communication, Diplomacy courses and workshops, Diplomatic theory and practice, Public Diplomacy BlogsThe author learned five valuable lessons on public speaking from a workshop with a coach specializing in communication training. The key takeaways include the importance of giving the audience a reason to care, practicing speaking out loud confidently without apologizing, handling mistakes gracefully, utilizing the advantage of being a non-native English speaker for concise communication, and the significance of being an active listener and providing constructive feedback. These lessons helped the author overcome their fear of public speaking and improve their communication skills.
[WebDebate #12 summary] Standardisation: Practical solutions for strained negotiations, or an arena for realpolitik?
Alumni Contemporary diplomacy, Digital standards, Diplomatic theory and practice BlogsStandards are essential in everyday life and can shape habits, making life easier. The WebDebate discussed the importance of standardization in facilitating daily activities, supporting sustainable development, and international trade. However, challenges arise in the negotiation process due to varying interests of stakeholders. Despite the aim to benefit all involved parties, powerful actors, like corporations, can dominate standard-setting discussions, potentially leading to biased outcomes. The main goal of standards is to benefit those they apply to, with regular revisions to ensure relevance. Standards play a crucial role in addressing global challenges and advancing international relations, yet their impartiality and representation of diverse interests remain subjects of scrutiny.
Negotiation Skills online course
Alumni Diplomacy courses and workshops, Diplomatic theory and practice, Education diplomacy, Language (and) diplomacy, Negotiations, Remote participationLearn the practical skills to successfully prepare, undertake, and conclude negotiations in formal and informal settings, as well as how to choose appropriate negotiation strategies, deal with power imbalances, build effective partnerships, and more.
HRC 34th session: digital rights in general, privacy in particular
Alumni Gender rights online, Internet governance and digital policy BlogsThe report by Special Rapporteur Joseph Cannataci, presented at the 34th session of the Human Rights Council, focused on digital rights with an emphasis on privacy. The report highlighted the need for a legal instrument to regulate surveillance, following concerns over government surveillance practices and the Snowden revelations. Recommendations included improving oversight of intelligence agencies and safeguarding privacy universally. The resolution adopted by the Council stressed the importance of encryption, metadata protection, and respecting principles of legality, necessity, and proportionality in privacy infringements. There were calls for an expert workshop and further reports in 2018 to address digital privacy challenges.
A 12-step guide to implementing the SDGs
Alumni Gender rights online, Internet governance and digital policy BlogsA group at the Internet Governance Forum created a 12-point guide for implementing the Sustainable Development Goals. Recommendations include better education and awareness, improved communication, collaboration, linking programs to the goals, and involving and motivating youth. It emphasizes regional diversity, empowering local communities, and inclusive problem-solving. The group believes that collective action from various stakeholders, including governments, civil society, private sector, and technical experts, is crucial to achieve the SDGs by 2030 for a sustainable future.
Diplo alumnus appointed UNECE’s Executive Secretary
Alumni BlogsOlga Algayerova, a Diplo and University of Malta alumna from Slovakia, has been appointed as the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). She succeeds Christian Friis Bach. Algayerova, with a background in diplomacy and business, is praised for her leadership, diplomatic skills, and knowledge of the region. Her experience includes roles in various international organizations. Diplo congratulates her on this appointment.
Workshop on public speaking
Alumni Training and workshops Language (and) diplomacy EventsA workshop on public speaking will cover communication basics, delivery skills, feedback, and presentation styles. It includes hands-on activities and requires active participation. The facilitator is a public speaking coach specializing in training for non-native English speakers. The workshop will be held on April 21st and 22nd in Belgrade, Serbia, with limited spots available. Contact Andrej Škrinjarić for more information.
Diplo at OSCE inter-regional cybersecurity conference
Alumni Panels and conferences Internet governance and digital policy, Cyberconflict and warfare EventsDiplo Foundation participates in discussions on cybersecurity at the OSCE inter-regional conference, focusing on global cyber stability through coordinated regional efforts. Vladimir Radunovic of Diplo Foundation presents key findings on secure cyberspace and emphasizes the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to cyber capacity building. The conference aims to deepen dialogue on cybersecurity issues affecting Euro-Atlantic and Asian regions, fostering confidence and cooperation among networked states worldwide.
Diplo at Knowledge for Development: Global Partnership Conference 2017
Alumni Panels and conferences EventsDr. Jovan Kurbalija from DiploFoundation will be speaking at the Knowledge for Development: Global Partnership Conference 2017 on April 4th. The conference, focusing on knowledge management for sustainable development, will involve various stakeholders and launch a report on knowledge management in the United Nations system. The event aims to advance knowledge management practices, promote the importance of knowledge in achieving Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals, and foster global partnerships. Registration for the event is open.
Diplo at Global Internet Governance – Actors, Regulations, Transactions and Strategies (GIG-ARTS) Conference
Alumni Panels and conferences Interdisciplinary approaches, Internet governance and digital policy EventsDr. Katharina Höne of DiploFoundation will speak at the GIG-ARTS Conference in Paris, discussing European Internet governance science diplomacy. The conference aims to advance discussions on global Internet governance and its implications and encourage young scholars to contribute to the field. Key themes include Internet governance as science diplomacy, cybersecurity, and European policy diffusion. The event is supported by various organizations and will provide a platform for scholars to address regional challenges and contribute to discussions in the European context. Details can be found on the event webpage.