[WebDebate #46] Unpacking the EU’s digital diplomacy and foreign policy
Alumni WebDebates Digital diplomacy EventsThe message provides an update on WebDebate #46 focusing on the European Union's digital diplomacy and foreign policy. It highlights the importance of digital foreign policy, mentioning recent strategies launched by Switzerland and Denmark. The European Digital Strategy's role in setting global standards is discussed, along with the EU's commitment to managing digital transformation and cybersecurity. Expert speakers will analyze the EU's digital diplomacy and foreign policy. The debate aims to unpack current and future elements in this field. Interested individuals can watch the recorded event and learn more about the EU's digital diplomacy efforts.
Cybersecurity Diplomacy online course
Alumni Capacity development, Contemporary diplomacy, Critical infrastructure, Cyberconflict and warfare, Cybernorms, Cybersecurity, Digital diplomacy, Diplomacy courses and workshops, Foreign ministries, Foreign policy, Gender rights online, Negotiations, Online education CoursesLearn how state-supported cyberattacks and mass espionage operations are conducted, what is considered cyberwar, which agreements are preventing an international cyber conflict, and how businesses and organisations are being used as weapons for attacking others.
Ancient Diplomacy: What can it teach us? [A historical journey #3]
Alumni Webinars History of diplomacy and technology EventsThe message invites participants to explore ancient diplomacy's impact on modern practices through a webinar focusing on early diplomacy and communication technologies. The session will delve into the diplomatic heritage of civilizations like Babylon, Egypt, and China, highlighting the transition from clay to digital tablets. Although registrations are closed, the event can be viewed on YouTube and Facebook live streams. It encourages understanding how past diplomatic methods can offer insights into future diplomatic practices.
Sustainable Capacity Building: Internet Governance in Africa
Alumni, Publications, Timeline Webinars Capacity development, Sustainable development EventsA report titled Sustainable Capacity Building: Internet Governance in Africa focuses on how the continent is enhancing digital policy capabilities. It outlines initiatives, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The report, part of the Policy and Regulation Initiative for Digital Africa, commissioned by the African Union, emphasizes the urgent need for capacity building to drive economic growth and global policy engagement. Key findings and recommendations will be presented, with experts discussing actions for sustainable internet governance initiatives in Africa. Notable speakers include representatives from various organizations such as the African Union Commission and the International Telecommunication Union.
2021: The emergence of digital foreign policy
Alumni Panels and conferences Digital diplomacy, Digital foreign policy Events2021 marks the rise of digital foreign policy, evident in the global shift towards incorporating digitization into diplomacy. Countries are creating comprehensive strategies, appointing cyber ambassadors, and embracing tech envoys. The event aims to explore current digital foreign policy landscapes, analyze strategies, and highlight best practices. Notable speakers will address this emerging field, offering insights and recommendations. The event will feature high-level experts, including officials from Switzerland, Egypt, Australia, the Netherlands, and the United States, among others. This development signifies a crucial moment for digital foreign policy.
February 2018 online courses
Alumni Courses Diplomatic theory and practice, Public Diplomacy EventsThe text discusses the Diplomatic Theory and Practice course, highly recommended by a diplomat. Online courses in Diplomatic Theory and Practice, Public Diplomacy, and Introduction to Internet Governance start in February 2018. The courses offer part-time study over ten weeks, suitable for diplomats and professionals in international relations. Scholarships are available for applicants from developing countries. The online course involves reading materials, engaging in discussions, quizzes, and group tasks. For more details and applications, visit Diplo's courses website.
Capacity Development 2017 online course
Alumni Courses Capacity development EventsThe text discusses the importance of capacity development in the field of development and how it has evolved over the years. It highlights the value of sharing experiences and knowledge among professionals from different countries and organizations to enhance capacity development projects. The online course aims to provide participants with a deeper understanding of capacity development principles and skills for effective project implementation. The course is based on the Len Learning Package on Capacity Development, with support from various organizations. Apply by January 9, 2017, for more information.
6th Geneva Engage Awards
Alumni, Events, Timeline Panels and conferences EventsThe 6th Geneva Engage Awards ceremony will take place on February 18, 2021. These awards honor International Geneva actors for their online engagement, particularly in connecting with communities affected by policies discussed in Geneva. The awards have categories for International Organizations, NGOs, and Permanent Missions in Geneva, with a new award introduced in 2020 for innovative remote meeting practices.
[WebDebate #45] Visual storytelling for diplomatic practice
Alumni WebDebates EventsThe text discusses the importance of visual storytelling in diplomatic practice, especially in a digital world. It highlights the shift towards image-based communication, as seen in the 2020 General Assembly. Join experts Ms. Stéphanie Fillion and Dr. Massimiliano Fusari for a discussion on using visual storytelling effectively in diplomacy. The event will be moderated by Dr. Katharina Höne of DiploFoundation, aiming to explore the power of images and best practices in digital diplomatic practices.
CENSURE – Twitter et Facebook font la loi. Mais de quel droit?
Alumni Panels and conferences Content policy, Liability of intermediaries EventsThe message questions the authority of Twitter and Facebook in censoring individuals like Donald Trump. An online event organized by the Geneva Press Club will discuss the rights and responsibilities of social media platforms regarding recent censorship actions. The event features Jovan Kurbalija and concerns whether this exercise of power is beneficial or harmful to democracy.