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Online WORLD and its movements…

Published on 05 March 2015
Updated on 05 April 2024

As the old saying goes, there are two sides to every coin. Some positive and also some negative movements have been noticed lately around Bitcoin. Finally, after a long period of decline, the Bitcoin price has started to increase. It has passed the $256 resistance level. 

Even if the resulting technical analysis is in favour of this continuous increasing trend, a new resistance level is expected around $267.

Online WORLD and its movements…

The increasing number of online merchants that join Bitcoin’s circle make this virtual coin a more trustworthy one (recent update: Dell decided to extend Bitcoin’s acceptance in UK and Canada) and the prediction of its continuous price increase in 2015 will be confirmed.

As the trend is to use more and more social media as a marketing tool, many companies are developing campaigns with very good digital strategies. Big companies, small sized companies, NGOs: everybody is now focusing on online campaigns. Speaking about NGOs, a very good one, with amazing results was that organised by Terre des Hommes Netherlands: a campaign against online child abuse. You can find more about the Sweetie Campaign on Facebook or on their website.

But what has this to do with Bitcoin? Unfortunately, it looks that criminals are getting even harder to trace because they have started to use virtual currencies like Bitcoin rather than making payments with credit cards. ‘Criminals that sexually exploit children online are becoming more entrepreneurial with technological developments and are profiting financially’, Europol said in a special report on the commercial sexual exploitation of children online. Certainly not on the positive side for Bitcoin, criminality is moving from traditional payments to the new digital economy made up of ‘hosting services, anonymizing Internet tools and pseudonymous payment systems’. Europol’s report said that last year for the first time investigators came across child abuse being sold exclusively for bitcoins,. The lack of regulation for these virtual currencies makes things much more complicated for the police and the private sector.

Hopefully, governments will take the best decisions and will come together with a solution for everybody to live in the safest and the most peaceful online environment possible, where people will be happy to enjoy the great online movements.

Meanwhile, we look forward to seeing what will be next in the Bitcoin price saga and what other big online shops and businesses will adopt this innovative online payment solution.

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