Hands of a guy on laptop keyboard

Diplo Blog

The Overlooked Peril: Cyber failures amidst AI hype

Jovan Kurbalija

Today's CloudStrike failure has jolted us into a harsh reality. For the past two years, the tech world has been abuzz with discussions about the potential risks of AI. Conferences, initiatives, and think tanks have dedicated countless hours to debating the hypothetical dangers AI might pose in the future. However, while our attention was fixed on the AI horizon, a more immediate threat lurked in the shadows of our increasingly complex digital infrastructure.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Chatbot, and the Word was Chatbot

Marko Marković

How do chatbots like Chatbot actually work? The post looks at the processes which allow chatbots to learn and work.

Part 3 – Speaking of futures: Presuppositions

Biljana Scott

In her third post on futures literacy, Dr Biljana Scott delves into presuppositions and their influence on how we perceive the future, especially regarding AI.

AI@UN: Navigating the tightrope between innovation and impartiality

Jovan Kurbalija

The UN faces the challenge of integrating AI in a way that maintains its impartiality and credibility, advocating for an open-source AI platform contributed to by countries, companies, and citizens to ensure transparency, inclusivity, and adherence to its core principles.

Part 2 – Speaking of futures: Que será, será

Biljana Scott

In her second post on futures literacy, Dr Biljana Scott explores the influence of storytelling, logical fallacies, and archetypal themes on our perceptions of the future.

Religious history and big data

Aldo Matteucci

In 2015, Aldo Matteucci commented on the ambitious plan for a big data-driven encyclopedia of religious cultural history, highlighting issues with Western biases and the difficulty of quantifying religious experiences.

Part 1 – Speaking of futures: Story-capsules

Biljana Scott

Diplo has launched a new futures literacy online course, aligning with the UN's 2024 Summit of the Future. Diplo faculty member and linguist Biljana Scott explores how language shapes our perception of the future, highlighting the importance of recognising unconscious biases.

Chatting with Perplexity, AI assistant: A non-traditional but genuine interview

Petru Dumitriu

Foreword I have just had a unique and highly interesting experience. Instead of asking other people about artificial intelligence, I asked for an interview with a “representative” of Artificial Intelligence (AI) itself: Perplexity. The conversation was particularly useful, at least for me. In the eyes of Perplexity, I was just a faceless and nameless user. […]

Reducing terminological confusion: Is it digital or internet or AI governance?

Jovan Kurbalija

The blog discusses the importance of distinguishing between digital and internet governance. It emphasizes the need for precision in terminology to accurately describe online activities and the governance required. While the terms are often used interchangeably, they highlight the specificities of each term and the implications of their usage in discussions around governance. The text advocates for a clear understanding of the nuances between digital and internet governance to enhance communication and decision-making in this realm.

São Paulo Multistakeholder Guidelines: A breath of fresh air into digital governance debates

Jovan Kurbalija

On April 29 and 30 April, NETMundial+10 met in São Paulo on its 10th anniversary. Back in 2014, NETMundial gathered at the critical moment of ICANN’s transition from US government guardianship to multistakeholder one, which happened in September 2015. Somehow, there is a temporal parallel. This year, NETMundial met as diplomats, tech people, and civil […]