Address: 9009 SE Adams Street, Suite 2259, Clackamas United States of America


Stakeholder group: NGOs and associations

The WiMAX Forum is an industry-led, non-profit organisation whose main aim is to promote and accelerate the introduction of cost-effective broadband wireless access services into the marketplace. Its mission is to deliver certification that achieves global interoperability, to develop technical specifications based on open standards, and to pursue a favorable regulatory environment. 

Members of the Forum are network operators, component vendors, equipment manufacturers, system integrators and regulatory authorities in the communications, aviation, and utility sectors.

The Forum certifies and promotes the compatibility and interoperability of broadband wireless products based upon IEEE Standard 802.16. Through its activities, it contributes to accelerate the adoption, deployment, and expansion of technologies such as WiMAX and WiGRID around the world, while facilitating roaming agreements, sharing best practices within its members, and certifying products. The Forum works closely with service providers and regulatory authorities to ensure that the system it certifies meet customer and government requirements.

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