Address: WMO Building, 7bis, Avenue de la Paix, CH-1202 Geneva, Switzerland
Stakeholder group: NGOs and associations
The Geneva Internet Plaform (GIP) is a Swiss initiative operated by DiploFoundation that strives to engage digital actors, foster digital governance, and monitor digital policies.
It aims to provide a neutral and inclusive space for digital policy debates, strengthen the participation of small and developing countries in Geneva-based digital policy processes, support activities of Geneva-based Internet governance (IG) and ICT institutions and initiatives, facilitate research for an evidence-based, multidisciplinary digital policy, bridge various policy silos, and provide tools and methods for in situ and online engagement that could be used by other policy spaces in International Geneva and worldwide. The GIP’s activities are implemented based on three pillars: a physical platform in Geneva, an online platform and observatory, and a dialogue lab.
Related events
[Webinar] Geneva Briefing on Internet Governance (February 2014)
The Geneva Briefing on Internet Governance occurs monthly, offering comprehensive global updates and insights to help navigate the complexities of the digital policy landscape. The briefings aim to provide a clear ove...
Book launch: two recent books on Internet governance
Launch of two recent books on Internet governance and telecommunication policy in Geneva on 24 February 2014. The books are "The Evolution of Global Internet Governance: Principles and Policies in the Making" by Weber...
[Webinar] Geneva Briefing on Internet Governance (March 2014)
The Geneva Briefing on Internet Governance is a monthly webinar providing updates on global digital politics. The webinars summarize major developments, discussing topics like cybersecurity, surveillance, and privacy....
Briefing for Geneva permanent missions: just-in-time course on Internet governance
The briefing discusses a just-in-time course on Internet governance for diplomats in Geneva, presented by the Geneva Internet Platform and DiploFoundation. The course covers various aspects of Internet governance such...
[Briefing #3] Internet governance in March 2014
The Geneva Briefing on Internet Governance occurs monthly, offering updates on global digital politics developments. The past webinar reviewed February’s events and looked forward to March, including discussions on ...
Official Launch of the Geneva Internet Platform
Geneva is a crucial hub for global digital governance, hosting key organizations like the Internet Governance Forum and the International Telecommunication Union. The launch of the Geneva Internet Platform aims to enh...
Book Presentation: Peacetime Regime for State Activities in Cyberspace
The Geneva Internet Platform and the Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence are presenting a new publication titled "Peacetime Regime for State Activities in Cyberspace." This multi-disciplinary book covers te...
[Briefing #4] Internet Governance in April 2014
Join the Geneva Briefing on Internet Governance every first Tuesday of the month for updates on global digital policies. Get insights on past developments and upcoming events like net neutrality, IANA transition, WSIS...
[Briefing #5] Internet governance in May 2014
The Geneva Briefing on Internet Governance occurs monthly, offering updates and analyses on digital policy developments. The upcoming webinar will cover key events from May 2014, such as .amazon's rejection, net neutr...
The role of governments in Internet governance
The text discusses the pivotal role of governments in Internet governance, focusing on the debate between a multistakeholder or intergovernmental model. It highlights the historical libertarian and democratic origins ...
Internet as a critical resource for Pacific island states
A roundtable in Geneva discusses the importance of the Internet as a critical resource for Pacific island states, highlighting challenges due to lack of infrastructure and the region's unique vulnerabilities. The even...
From Telegraph to Twitter
The event discussed the parallels between the telegraph and the Internet, emphasizing how speed and immediacy don't always lead to positive outcomes in diplomacy. This comparison was made by linking the telegraph's ro...
The Geneva Internet Conference - Internet Governance at a Crossroads
The Geneva Internet Conference focuses on Internet governance and digital politics, addressing key issues like stakeholder participation and policy coherence. Sessions involve global participants through e-participati...
[Briefing #7] Internet governance in July and August 2014
The Geneva Briefing on Internet Governance is held monthly and offers updates on global digital policies. A webinar is planned for September 9, 2014, from Istanbul. They summarize digital political events and provide ...
[Webinar] Geneva Briefing on Internet Governance (October 2014)
The Geneva Briefing on Internet Governance takes place monthly, offering updates on global and digital policy developments. The webinar, conducted from Geneva, reviews past events and looks ahead. The next session is ...
[Briefing #9] Internet governance in October 2014 Dance of the Titans
The Geneva Briefing on Internet Governance occurs monthly, providing updates and analysis on global digital policy. The next session is on November 4, discussing events like the IANA transition and controversies aroun...
[Webinar] Whom do I contact if I want to raise my IG concern?
A webinar is being held to discuss the theme of whom to contact regarding IG concerns in preparation for the Geneva Internet Conference. The discussion aims to raise awareness and gather input from global users. Small...
[Webinar] Evidence and measurement in IG: What sort of data and numbers are we talking about?
A webinar focusing on evidence and measurement in Internet Governance, part of the Geneva Internet Conference preparatory events, discusses the lack of data in cybersecurity, the importance of evidence-based approache...
Jurisdiction in the Internet era
The text discusses the contentious issue of jurisdiction in the Internet era, focusing on how courts in different countries can address online disputes. It poses questions about the extent of applying domestic laws on...
[Webinar] Internet governance in January 2015
A webinar on Internet governance in January 2015 will provide updates on global digital policies and future expectations for February. The Geneva Briefing on Internet Governance, scheduled for February 3rd, aims to su...
[Briefing] Internet governance in February 2015
In February 2015, key topics in Internet governance included Net Neutrality, cybersecurity, and global digital policy issues. The impact of these developments on the global digital policy process was examined during a...
[Briefing] Internet governance in March 2015
The text discusses recent advancements in internet governance, such as the appointment of a Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy and the launch of the Manila Principles of Intermediary Liability in Asia. Updates...
[Briefing] Internet governance in April 2015
The Global Conference on Cyber Space focused on privacy, freedom of expression, and cybersecurity. Tougher legislation is being introduced to combat cyberattacks, and access to encrypted data is a key concern. Updates...
[Briefing] Internet governance in May 2015
May 2015 saw developments in Internet governance and digital policy, including cybersecurity cooperation, debates on net neutrality with Facebook's, and surveillance addressed with the Freedom Act. Plans ...
[Briefing #11] Internet governance in 2015: A decisive year
Internet governance in 2015 is crucial, with discussions on post-2015 agendas taking center stage. The transition process, mundial Initiative, and 'Google judgment' shaped debates in 2014. Beyond 2015 implementation a...
Cybersecurity: a Strategic View
The Geneva Internet Platform is hosting the Geneva Cybersecurity Days series throughout 2015 in collaboration with various partners to address cybersecurity challenges globally, with the first event focusing on Cybers...
[Briefing] Internet governance in June 2015
June 2015 saw active developments in digital politics, including debates on the EU's data protection regulation, accusations of state-sponsored hacking, and updates on cybersecurity issues. The +10 High-Level Event in...
[Briefing] Internet governance in August 2015
The message provides updates on cybersecurity, surveillance laws, and digital policy developments in July and August. It invites participation in a webinar on Internet governance on August 25 and encourages joining mo...
[Briefing] Internet governance in September 2015
In September 2015, the focus is on Internet governance and sustainable development goals. Updates include a briefing digest, the Geneva Digital Watch, and an upcoming briefing on October 27th. Other topics discussed a...
[Briefing] Internet governance in October 2015
Recent rulings by the Court of Justice of the European Union, including one on data protection authority accountability and another invalidating the Safe Harbor agreement, are anticipated to have global impacts on dat...
[Briefing] Internet governance in November 2015
The 10th Internet Governance Forum in João Pessoa in November 2015 saw discussions on various topics such as privacy, cybersecurity, net neutrality, and more. These conversations will influence future digital develop...
Jurisdiction and Dispute Resolution in the Internet Era: Governance and Good Practices
A discussion on jurisdiction and dispute resolution in the internet era was organized by the University of Geneva, the Geneva Internet Platform, and the Geneva Center for International Dispute Settlement on June 17-18...
Fighting cybercrime through closer international cooperation
The Geneva Internet Platform is hosting the second Cybersecurity Day on March 30, focusing on international cooperation in combating cybercrime. Participants will engage with experts to discuss cybercrime challenges, ...
Geneva Internet Platform: Successful start and future developments
The Geneva Internet Platform has had a successful first year, establishing itself as a key player in global digital policy. It is looking ahead to future developments and hosting an event to discuss digital policy pro...
Introduction to Digital Politics 2015: online course for Geneva-based diplomats
Summary: An online course for Geneva-based diplomats by the Geneva Internet Platform and DiploFoundation will cover various digital politics topics from April to June. It aims to enhance knowledge and skills in Intern...
The way forward for the WSIS+10 review process
A luncheon event in Geneva discusses the way forward for the WSIS+10 review process, marking a decade since the World Summit on the Information Society. The event aims to tackle important themes, mandate renewal, stak...
Law of the Sea - Law of the Internet: Inspiring Analogy?
Admiral Rogers suggests using the Law of the Sea as inspiration for regulating the Internet, discussed at the Malta Conference on the Internet as a global public resource. Dr. Alex Sceberras Trigona, an expert on the ...
Vienna Cyber Diplomacy Day
Vienna Cyber Diplomacy Day, held in June 2015, focused on cyber challenges in modern diplomacy, covering topics like the impact of the Internet, policy approaches, cybercrime, and digital tools for diplomatic activiti...
DiploFoundation and Geneva Internet Platform at 10th IGF in Brazil
DiploFoundation and Geneva Internet Platform are involved in the 10th Internet Governance Forum in Brazil and online. They are hosting workshops and events, providing reports, and engaging with participants both in pe...
[Briefing] Internet governance in January 2016
Updates on Internet governance in January included a roundup of global and digital policy developments, predictions for 2016 by Dr. Jovan Kurbalija, and the addition of regional perspectives from local hubs. The month...
WSIS Side Event - GIP Digital Watch: A practical tool for navigating digital policy
The WSIS side event will introduce the Digital Watch tool, aiding in navigating complex digital policy. Designed to enhance engagement in Internet governance, it offers comprehensive summaries, research, and data on p...
Digital Policy at the Start of 2016. A view from Indonesia
The text discusses an event in Jakarta focusing on digital policy developments in 2015 and their impact on Indonesia in 2016. Key topics include cybersecurity, privacy, e-commerce, and net neutrality. The event featur...
ISOC – GIP Digital Watch Webinar
The ISOC - GIP Digital Watch Webinar discussed digital policy and technological challenges in 2016, reflecting on the past year's developments and anticipating what is to come. Topics included global issues like Inter...
[Briefing] Internet governance in February 2016
Negotiations on post-Safe Harbor agreements progress with privacy shield. India blocks Free Basics, encryption debates continue, and global digital policy updates shape future developments. Briefing on major events se...
Cybersecurity and Digital Challenges for Europe - The Role of International Geneva
A seminar on Cybersecurity and Digital Challenges for Europe, focusing on International Geneva, was held in February 2016 by the Geneva Internet Platform and the College of Europe. The event aimed to introduce student...
Internet Research Fair
The Internet's vast influence on society and academic research will be explored at the Internet Research Fair, hosted by various institutions, focusing on how the Internet impacts academic research and society. Join d...
[Briefing] Internet governance in March 2016
A briefing on Internet governance in March 2016 will cover the Apple-FBI debate's impact on privacy and security. Updates on global digital policies will be discussed on Tuesday, 29th March. The event, hosted live fro...
[Webinar] Opening backdoors: Encryption, privacy, and security Q&A session
The text discusses the global controversy surrounding encryption and backdoors, sparked by a court ruling involving Apple unlocking an iPhone. The webinar on March 17th will dive into the latest developments and the b...
DiploFoundation & Geneva Internet Platform at WSIS Forum 2016
DiploFoundation & Geneva Internet Platform are hosting various events at WSIS Forum 2016 in Geneva. They are offering live updates, session reports, and a final summary report. Attendees can join sessions, exhibitions...
[Briefing] Internet governance in September 2016
Join the Internet governance briefing on September 27, 2016, for updates on the transition process, net neutrality, e-commerce, and trade discussions. Regional perspectives from hubs in Indonesia, Brazil, Tunisia, and...
[Briefing] Internet governance in July and August 2016
The briefing covers key internet governance updates from July and August 2016, highlighting the declaration of cyber as a military domain, approval of the EU-US Privacy Shield, impacts of the Microsoft judgment, and e...
[Briefing] Internet governance in June 2016
June 2016 was an eventful month for Internet governance with key updates such as court rulings on net neutrality, approval of the Snoopers' Charter by the European Parliament, and a Russian bill on encryption backdoor...
[Briefing] Internet governance in May 2016
The Forum 2016 highlighted the role of digital policy in achieving sustainable development goals. Access and development-related discussions were key in May. Updates, such as the Barometer and Geneva Digital Watch new...
Engaging digital actors - fostering effective digital policy - monitoring digital governance
Summary: A session at the Forum will delve into digital policies and Internet governance, aiming to enhance cross-sectoral dialogue and bridge policy silos. Representatives from various sectors will discuss the needs ...
Ensuring Civil Society's Voice is Heard in ICANN
A discussion is being held on enhancing civil society's involvement in ICANN to strengthen the multistakeholder model. The event will cover topics like the transition recommendations and issues of accountability, comp...
[Briefing] Internet governance in April 2016
Global internet governance updates for April include discussions on security, cyberterrorism, and sustainable development at the G7 meeting in Japan. The Council of Europe's Internet Governance Strategy for 2016-2019 ...
[Webinar] Pokémon politics: Digital policy in the age of augmented reality
The webinar on Pokémon politics and digital policy in the era of augmented reality discusses the various impacts of augmented reality beyond gaming. Topics include legal, security, socio-cultural, and economic dimens...
Diplomatic staff briefing on Internet governance and digital policy
Briefing in Geneva on Internet governance and digital policy on September 20, 2016, at the World Meteorological Organization building. It aims to assist newcomers in understanding key Internet-related issues and upcom...
Competence building for cyberpeace
A discussion on competence building for cyberpeace is scheduled for Wednesday, 9th November. The event will explore the skills and understanding required to safeguard cyberspace, emphasizing the importance of cybersec...
Inclusive Digital Trade and Sustainable Development: Exploring Creative Solutions and Ways Forward
A session titled "Inclusive Digital Trade and Sustainable Development: Exploring Creative Solutions and Ways Forward" organized by the Geneva Internet Platform and DiploFoundation during the 2016 World Trade Organizat...
SEE Hub: Internet governance in September 2016
Summary: The South Eastern Europe Internet governance hub provides updates on digital policy developments. A monthly briefing on global and regional events is conducted live from Geneva, with discussions held both in-...
[Webinar] Net neutrality in Europe: The BEREC guidelines and beyond
The text discusses the recent publication of guidelines by the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications regarding net neutrality in Europe. These guidelines aim to assist regulatory authorities in imp...
[Briefing] Internet governance in October 2016
October 2016 brought new bilateral agreements in cybersecurity, discussions on AI challenges, and a European Court of Justice ruling. Geneva's Internet governance briefing on 25th October reviews global digital policy...
How computers really work: Outsmart your smartphone!
A course on computer science for policymakers, offered by DiploFoundation and the Geneva Internet Platform, aims to enhance understanding of digital devices and aid in creating better digital policies. The course cove...
Delhi Digital Diplomacy Day
The Delhi Digital Diplomacy Day discussed the Internet's influence on diplomacy, touching on topics like the environment of diplomatic activities, new agenda items (such as Internet governance), and the use of digital...
[Briefing] Internet governance in November 2016
November 2016 saw new cybersecurity and surveillance rules globally, increasing concerns about privacy and content regulation. The Privacy Shield was challenged again, and Internet companies faced criticism over sprea...
SEE Hub: Internet governance in October 2016
Summary: The message announces the availability of the recording of the internet governance hub event in October 2016, along with updates on developments in South Eastern Europe related to internet governance and digi...
DiploFoundation and Geneva Internet Platform at 11th IGF in Mexico
DiploFoundation and Geneva Internet Platform actively participate in the 11th Internet Governance Forum in Mexico, offering various events and sessions both in person and online. They provide just-in-time session repo...
Towards a secure cyberspace via regional cooperation
Regional organizations play a crucial role in the cybersecurity realm. They facilitate operationalization of cybersecurity recommendations, fostering stability and security in the cyberspace. A recent luncheon event, ...
[Webinar] Cyber norms: Towards an inclusive dialogue
A webinar on cyber norms will address the rising number of cyber incidents attributed to states and the push for cybersecurity accords. Governments are increasing cybersecurity budgets and engaging in bilateral agreem...
SEE Hub: Internet governance in November 2016
In November 2016, a South Eastern European hub meeting on Internet governance updates and digital policy was held, offering a summary of global and regional developments. The session, organized by DiploFoundation and ...
[Briefing #31] Internet governance in January 2017
January 2017's Internet governance updates and their future impact were discussed in a Geneva briefing. February's forecast and updates were previewed. Resources like a digital policy review for 2016 and a forecast fo...
[Briefing] Internet governance in February 2017
Microsoft's Digital Geneva Convention proposal sparked discussions on digital governance. Fake news prevalence remained a concern. The February internet governance briefing covered global policy developments. Resource...
[Briefing] Internet governance in March 2017
The text discusses key updates in Internet governance in March 2017, focusing on digital rights issues, surveillance regulation, cyber espionage, and global breaches. It invites participation in the next briefing on M...
[Briefing] Internet governance in April 2017
In April 2017, Internet governance updates were detailed in a briefing with global and digital policy insights. Resources like recordings, digests, newsletters, and barometers were made available. Future developments ...
[Briefing] Internet governance in May 2017
The briefing in May 2017 highlighted the WannaCry cyber attack, Uber's legal status, and a significant fine for Facebook. The event also shared resources for further information and discussed upcoming global internet ...
[Briefing] Internet governance in June 2017
A briefing scheduled for June 27, 2017, in Geneva will cover Internet governance updates from June and their future implications. Resources include recordings, briefings, and newsletters summarizing global digital pol...
[Briefing] Internet governance in August 2017
Efforts to combat online extremism and discussions on net neutrality have intensified. Uber faced setbacks with new regulations and tax impositions on the internet market. The Internet governance briefing on August 29...
[Briefing] Internet governance in September 2017
The text discusses the upcoming Internet governance briefing happening on September 26, focusing on global digital policy updates. The briefings summarize numerous pieces of information for viewers and offer a compreh...
[Briefing] Internet governance in October 2017
In October 2017, major global internet governance updates were discussed, including advancements in artificial intelligence, legal and ethical concerns, e-commerce dialogues, and upcoming events like the Ministerial C...
[Briefing] Internet governance in November 2017
In November 2017, key topics in Internet governance included legal issues faced by Uber, discussions on lethal autonomous weapons, security vulnerabilities, and challenges to the right to be forgotten. A briefing summ...
SEE Hub: Internet governance in January 2017
Summary: Stay updated on Internet governance and digital policy developments in South Eastern Europe by attending monthly briefings held by the Geneva Internet Platform and the South Eastern European Dialogue on Inter...
2nd Geneva Engage Awards
The 2nd Geneva Engage Awards aim to strengthen the connection between International Geneva and affected global communities. Awarded for outstanding social media engagement, the event features categories like Internati...
SEE Hub: Internet governance in February 2017
Summary: The message announces the availability of the February summary on Internet governance and digital policy in South Eastern Europe. It invites participation in the monthly briefing on global and regional develo...
Diplo at Knowledge for Development: Global Partnership Conference 2017
Dr. Jovan Kurbalija from DiploFoundation will be speaking at the Knowledge for Development: Global Partnership Conference 2017 on April 4th. The conference, focusing on knowledge management for sustainable development...
SEE Hub: Internet governance in March 2017
The message introduces the March summary of Internet governance and digital policy updates in South Eastern Europe. The update includes details on recent events, a video recording, and information on future briefings....
SEE Hub: Internet governance in April 2017
The text discusses the April summary of Internet governance and digital policy in South Eastern Europe, highlighting updates and events, including a briefing scheduled for April 25th, 2017. It emphasizes the importanc...
Internet Digitalisation and Youth Employment: Job Creator or Job Disruptor?
The annual Interns with a Mission event focuses on the theme "Internet Digitalisation and Youth Employment: Job Creator or Job Disruptor?". The event, held in Geneva, will feature a panel discussion and networking ses...
SEE Hub: Internet governance in May 2017
Join the Internet governance briefing on May 30th for updates on global and regional digital policy developments. The South Eastern European hub will also provide insights and discussions. Organized by the Geneva Inte...
Diplo & GIP at WSIS Forum 2017
Diplo & GIP are actively engaged at WSIS Forum 2017 hosting events, providing just-in-time session reports, and offering a booth with project updates. Attend workshops and sessions with their experts discussing topics...
SEE Hub: Internet governance in June 2017
The Internet governance briefing in June 2017 will cover updates shaping future developments. The South Eastern European hub will discuss regional events from June and plans for July on the 27th. Monthly briefings fro...
Digital policies and trends: Build-up to the Internet Governance Forum
An event will be held in Geneva to discuss civil society's involvement in the Internet Governance Forum happening in December. The discussion will cover the impact of digital technologies, like AI and big data, on var...
Preventing cyber conflicts: Do we need a cyber treaty?
Microsoft's Brad Smith proposed a Digital Geneva Convention in 2017 to protect civilian internet use. Discussions focus on the necessity, content, and enforcement of such a treaty, drawing on insights from humanitaria...
Crisis code: Humanitarian protection in the digital age
A conference titled "Crisis Code: Humanitarian Protection in the Digital Age" will be held on September 27-28 at swissnex San Francisco. The event will focus on protecting crisis-affected populations from cyber-attack...
Digital policy in global governance: Issues and challenges discussed in Geneva
Geneva hosts significant digital policy discussions impacting global governance. Key upcoming events include debates on the Digital Geneva Convention and Internet governance. Press is invited to a briefing on Septembe...
Governing the Future of the Internet
The Internet has revolutionized communication and connectivity. It impacts families, workers, and global communities. This expert panel will explore governance proposals to maximize benefits while minimizing misuse. P...
SEE Hub: Internet governance in September 2017
The text discusses updates on Internet governance in September 2017 and the upcoming events in South Eastern Europe. It highlights the monthly briefings by the South Eastern European hub to provide insights and analys...
How can technological solutions advance cybersecurity?
The Geneva Digital Talks event on November 3, 2017, will focus on how technological solutions can advance cybersecurity. The event will cover cyber vulnerabilities, recent cyber incidents, the interplay of technical a...
Where and how to protect legal interests in the digital era
The text discusses the importance of protecting legal interests in the digital age and explores jurisdiction and dispute resolution in internet-related cases. It highlights the increasing reliance on courts to resolve...
SEE Hub: Internet governance in October 2017
The message invites participation in the Internet governance briefing for October 2017, which will cover updates shaping future developments. The briefing will also address developments in South Eastern Europe for Oct...
3rd Geneva Engage Awards
The 3rd Geneva Engage Awards, supported by the Canton of Geneva, recognize organizations in Geneva for their social media engagement. The event, held on December 11, 2017, celebrates impactful work by international or...
SEE Hub: Internet governance in November 2017
Join the South Eastern European hub on November 28 for a briefing on Internet governance updates in November. The session will cover global and regional digital policy developments, providing a comprehensive update. T...
[Briefing] Internet governance in January 2018
In January 2018, Internet governance updates included pressure on companies to remove illegal content, discussions on taxation for the Internet economy, concerns about emerging technologies and cybersecurity, and the ...
[Briefing] Internet governance in February 2018
Summary: Monthly Internet governance briefings provide updates on major global digital policy developments, offered live from Geneva and online by the Geneva Internet Platform. The February 2018 briefing is scheduled ...
[Briefing] Internet governance in March 2018
An update on Internet governance in March 2018 discusses topics such as the Cambridge Analytica scandal, digital tax reform proposals, self-driving car investigations, and advancements in artificial intelligence. A br...
[Briefing] Internet governance in April 2018
A briefing on Internet governance in April 2018 will be held on the 24th with a focus on global and digital policy updates. The sessions provide insights on major developments and are broadcasted online from Geneva. P...
[Briefing] Internet governance in May 2018
In May 2018, major internet governance updates included the implementation of GDPR and Mark Zuckerberg's hearing. A briefing on these events and their impact on upcoming developments will be held on May 29th by the Ge...
[Briefing] Internet governance in June 2018
In June, a mid-year review of digital policy was conducted, revisiting earlier predictions. The main updates included developments in artificial intelligence, challenges faced by Internet companies after May 25, and t...
[Briefing] Internet governance in August 2018
A monthly briefing on internet governance in August 2018 will cover global and digital policy updates. The session, hosted by the Geneva Internet Platform, will provide insight and analysis on key developments influen...
[Briefing] Internet governance in October 2018
The October briefing on Internet governance highlights tech giants' challenges with data privacy, security, and dominance. Member states discuss taxing the Internet economy. The event provides updates on global digita...
[Briefing] Internet governance in November 2018
In November 2018, significant digital policy events occurred, such as the Internet Governance Forum and the Plenipotentiary Conference. Governments emphasized investments in emerging technologies. Monthly Internet gov...
[Briefing] Internet governance in September 2018
A monthly briefing on Internet governance updates, including global and digital policy developments, will be held on the last Tuesday of September at 11:00 (13:00 GMT+2) in Geneva. This session will discuss recent inf...
SEE Hub: Internet governance in January 2018
Join the Internet governance briefings on January 30th for updates on global and digital policy developments in December 2017 and January 2018. Organized by the Geneva Internet Platform and DiploFoundation, this brief...
Diplo director addresses New America roundtable in Washington
Diplo director discusses the changing landscape of cybersecurity and digital policy at a New America roundtable in Washington in 2018....
Briefing for the Permanent Representatives of NY Missions on current trends in digital policy & the interplay between New York and Geneva - 2018
Dr. Jovan Kurbalija from the Geneva Internet Platform will brief NY Mission Representatives on key digital policy trends for 2018, including cybersecurity and digital rights. The interplay between New York and Geneva ...
SEE Hub: Internet governance in February 2018
Join the South Eastern European hub for a monthly briefing on Internet governance updates on February 27, 2018. Find out about global and regional digital policy developments live from Geneva. The event, organized by ...
CyberMediation: New technologies for political mediation
Digital technology's impact on political mediation will be discussed at the CyberMediation initiative on March 13, 2018. The event, organized by various institutions, will explore how technology affects mediators in p...
SEE Hub: Internet governance in March 2018
The message promotes the upcoming Internet governance briefing in March 2018, discussing global and regional developments in digital policy, with a focus on South Eastern Europe. The briefing on March 27th will offer ...
Hello, World: The Rise of Tech Diplomacy
The text discusses the upcoming event "Hello, World: The Rise of Tech Diplomacy" in San Francisco on April 12, 2018, exploring how countries interact with the Internet industry in the Bay Area to promote their interes...
Lunch dialogue: Digitalisation and international law
A lunch dialogue on Digitalisation and international law will be held on April 16th at the Geneva Internet Platform. The focus will be on how digitalization is influencing public international law and how challenges i...
SEE Hub: Internet governance in April 2018
Join the South Eastern European hub on April 24th for an update on Internet governance and digital policy developments. Receive expert analysis and summaries of global and regional events in the digital realm. Stay in...
Information session: Geneva Dialogue on Responsible Behaviour in Cyberspace
An information session is being held in Geneva on the Geneva Dialogue on Responsible Behaviour in Cyberspace. The session aims to address the growing threat of malicious activities in cyberspace and promote responsibl...
‘2018: A Tipping Point for the Internet’ - public discussion by Jovan Kurbalija
Prof. Jovan Kurbalija's public discussion in Jakarta will focus on the major developments shaping the Internet in 2018, including data protection, cybersecurity, digital trade, and more. The event will address Interne...
#Cybermediation: What role for blockchain technology and natural language processing AI?
The #Cybermediation initiative explores the role of blockchain and natural language processing AI in conflict resolution. Blockchain technology offers neutral record-keeping, while AI can analyze and suggest mediation...
CyberMediation: the impact of digital technologies on the prevention and resolution of violent conflicts
An initiative by various organizations explores the impact of digital technology on mediation in preventing and resolving violent conflicts. Participants will learn how mediators use digital tools and address challeng...
The EU General Data Protection Regulation and international data flows
A conference in Geneva on October 10, 2019, will discuss the impact of the EU General Data Protection Regulation on international data flows and the convergence of data protection norms globally. The event will explor...
[Webinar] What is responsible behaviour in cyberspace?
The Geneva Internet Platform is hosting a webinar on responsible behaviour in cyberspace. It will address the importance of promoting responsible behaviour in the digital realm for peace and security, involving variou...
Geneva Dialogue on Responsible Behaviour in Cyberspace
The Geneva Dialogue on Responsible Behaviour in Cyberspace, set for 1-2 November 2018, will assess state, industry, and civil society roles in enhancing cyberspace security. Participants, including states, private sec...
Public International Law Day 2018
Public International Law Day 2018, organized by the Directorate of International Law, will focus on digital transformation and cybersecurity in international law. The event highlights the importance of a secure digita...
Diplo & the Geneva Internet Platform at the 13th Internet Governance Forum
Diplo Foundation and the Geneva Internet Platform will be actively participating at the 13th Internet Governance Forum in Paris. They will offer workshops, just-in-time session reports, and daily summaries. Sessions i...
[Webinar] What is the role of civil society and communities towards a peaceful cyberspace?
The webinar discusses the importance of civil society, academia, and technical communities in promoting responsible behavior for a peaceful cyberspace. Efforts are needed to ensure international peace and security in ...
Science fiction meets policy | Policy meets science fiction
The text discusses an event that explores the intersection of science fiction with digital politics, aiming to bring together sci-fi authors, enthusiasts, policymakers, and diplomats to discuss the impact of technolog...
[Briefing] Internet governance forecast for 2019
The text discusses political and economic challenges alongside rapid technological advancements requiring more regulation. It invites participation in a briefing on internet governance forecast for 2019, addressing em...
[Briefing] Internet governance in February 2019
In February 2019, significant developments in digital policy included increased government crackdowns on hate speech, advancements in artificial intelligence strategies, ongoing cyber-attacks on banks and government e...
[Webinar] What is the role of the private sector towards a peaceful cyberspace?
The Geneva Internet Platform is hosting a webinar discussing the private sector's role in promoting peace in cyberspace. The event is part of the Geneva Dialogue on Responsible Behaviour in Cyberspace, addressing the ...
[Briefing] Internet governance in April 2019
The message discussed highlights the upcoming Internet governance briefing in April 2019, focusing on major global and digital policy developments. The briefing aims to provide a concise update on the recent internet ...
[Briefing] Internet governance in March 2019
March's Internet governance briefing on March 26th will cover major global and digital policy updates. The briefing, organized by the Geneva Internet Platform, will analyze and summarize the information to provide a c...
[Briefing] Internet governance in May 2019
Join the briefing on Internet governance updates in May on 28th May to learn about global digital policy changes. The session will provide a summary and analysis of the latest developments, offering valuable insights ...
[Briefing] Internet governance in June 2019
A monthly briefing on Internet governance updates will be held on Tuesday, June 25th. This event will cover recent global and digital policy developments and their impact on future trends. The Geneva Internet Platform...
De-Briefing of the meetings of the UN High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation and the Global Commission on Stability in Cyberspace
The Geneva Internet Platform will host a De-Briefing on the recent meetings of the UN High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation and the Global Commission on Stability in Cyberspace, focusing on global Internet governanc...
[Briefing #70] Internet governance in November 2020
The message announces the closing of registrations for an Internet governance briefing happening on November 24th at 13:00 (14:00). The briefing provides updates on global and digital policy developments, aiming to de...
[Briefing #69] Internet governance in October 2020
An invitation for a monthly briefing on Internet governance in October will take place on the 27th. The event will cover global digital policy developments, providing analysis and summaries. Hosted by the Geneva Inter...
[Briefing] Internet governance in September 2020
A briefing on Internet governance updates in September 2020 is available for viewing. The session covers major global and digital policy developments, providing insights on their impact in the upcoming months. The eve...
[Briefing] Internet governance in July & August 2020
The message announces an Internet governance briefing covering updates from July and August happening on August 25th. Attendees will receive summaries of major global and digital policy developments. The briefing is o...
[Briefing] A historic 2020: Six months in review
The briefing discusses the significant impact of -19 on work and life in 2020, as well as the related developments in technology and digital policy. It covers the influence of the pandemic on technology, the role of t...
[Briefing] Internet governance in May 2020
The message promotes a monthly briefing on Internet governance updates happening on May 26th. These briefings aim to summarize major global and digital policy developments and how they might impact future trends. For ...
[Briefing] Internet governance in April 2020
April's Internet governance briefing on April 28th at 11:00 (13:00 ) will cover key updates impacting global digital policies. Presented by the Geneva Internet Platform, this monthly briefing provides analysis and sum...
[Briefing] Internet governance in March 2020
Summary: Attend the Internet governance briefing on March updates and their future impact on global and digital policy. Organized by the Geneva Internet Platform, the session on 31st March provides insights and analys...
[Briefing] Internet governance in February 2020
Attend the Internet governance briefing on February updates and their impact on future developments, held by the Geneva Internet Platform and DiploFoundation on February 25th. Stay informed about global and digital po...
[Briefing] Internet governance in January 2020
A monthly briefing on Internet governance updates in January 2020 will highlight key global and digital policy developments. This initiative, run by the Geneva Internet Platform, aims to decode and summarize complex i...
Quarterly briefing: Reviewing digital policy developments & what to expect
The text discusses recent digital policy developments involving government pressure on private companies and advancements in technology. It mentions high internet disruptions and upcoming events such as the start of t...
Digital co-operation: Can Geneva make it a win-win?
A panel discussion in Geneva will cover recommendations by the High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation, addressing key experts on September 2nd. Microsoft's president, Brad Smith, will discuss the report and the role ...
[Briefing] Internet governance in November 2019
Monthly Internet governance briefings are available, with the November session discussing key global and digital policy updates. The event, hosted by the Geneva Internet Platform, offers insights into recent developme...
[Briefing] Internet governance in October 2019
A monthly Internet governance briefing will take place in October 2019 on the 29th at 12:00 UTC (13:00 CET). It offers updates on global and digital policy developments, decoding and summarizing vast amounts of inform...
[Briefing] Internet governance in September 2019
Join the Internet governance briefing on September updates influencing upcoming months. This monthly event decodes global digital policy developments, providing a concise summary for participants. Hosted by the Geneva...
Digital policy in 2019: A mid-year review
The text discusses the dominance of the tech rivalry between the U.S. and China, the Huawei controversy, misinformation concerns, data breaches, and tech company growth in the first half of 2019. It highlights technol...
Unpacking the High-Level Panel’s Report: Contributions from Geneva
The High-Level Panel's report on digital cooperation was launched in New York and Geneva, recommending improvements to current digital policy architecture. The report outlines three models for implementation. An exper...
[Briefing] Internet governance in July & August 2019
A monthly briefing on Internet governance, organized by the Geneva Internet Platform and DiploFoundation, will summarize major global and digital policy updates from July and August. The upcoming session on August 27 ...
5th Geneva Engage Awards
The 5th Geneva Engage Awards celebrate International Geneva's social media impact on global issues. Winners are recognized in three categories: International Organizations, Non-Profit Orgs, and Permanent UN Representa...
Technology and human rights in times of crisis
The text discusses the intersection of technology and human rights during crises. It emphasizes the impact of emergency measures on rights such as freedom of movement, privacy, and expression. The importance of necess...
RightOn #3 Democracy and rule of law in crisis?
The COVID-19 pandemic is intensifying challenges to democracy and the rule of law, with issues like data misuse, fake news, and emergency laws eroding trust. Inequalities, exacerbated by the crisis, hinder democratic ...
RightOn #4: COVID-19 and women: the gendered impact of the crisis
The pandemic is disproportionately affecting women due to increased unpaid care work, frontline exposure, and economic vulnerability. Lockdowns may worsen domestic violence. A discussion on women's rights and governme...
RightOn #5: Contact tracing and challenges to privacy
The text discusses the use of technology for contact tracing during the pandemic, highlighting the balance between public health benefits and privacy concerns. It questions potential data leaks, alternate uses of the ...
Online conference 'The Future of Meetings'
The Future of Meetings conference explores the changing landscape of gatherings due to the Coronavirus crisis. It will delve into hybrid meetings, combining virtual and face-to-face interactions, and address topics li...
RightOn #6: From crisis to opportunity: How to build back better?
The international community aims to "build back better" post-pandemic, focusing on creating a more just, equitable, greener, and peaceful world. Secretary-General António Guterres calls for seizing this opportunity t...
RightOn #8: Protecting the rights of older persons during the COVID-19 pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately affects older persons, endangering their rights to life, health, and autonomy. They face increased social isolation and age-based discrimination, impacting service provision. D...
RightOn #9: Access to Information and the safety journalists in times of crisis
The text discusses the importance of access to information, particularly during times of crisis. It emphasizes the role of free, independent media in informing the public, safeguarding freedom of expression, and count...
Online discussion: Navigating Geneva’s digital policy landscape
Geneva's digital policy landscape is expanding, encompassing cybersecurity, e-commerce, health data, climate issues, and sustainable development goals. Understanding this rich environment is crucial. Join a discussion...
RightOn #11: Communicating human rights: How to win the global ‘battle of ideas'
The text discusses the prevalence of negative stories about human rights in media due to human nature and a crisis in confidence amongst the international human rights community. It invites participation in a web chat...
Launch of the new Digital Watch observatory
The message announces the launch of the new Digital Watch observatory, featuring interdisciplinary analysis on digital policy issues and cross-cutting aspects. It will explore topics like data policy and human rights,...
Launch: ConfTech’s Library on the Future of Meetings
ConfTech has launched a library focusing on the future of meetings to help organizations transition effectively to online and hybrid formats. The library offers resources such as articles and guides to support this sh...
Launch of the humAInism Speech Generator
The humAInism Speech Generator was launched on September 21st, providing a platform to generate diplomatic cybersecurity statements based on expertise and speech patterns. The launch will also explore governance insig...
Launch of the Help Desk for inclusive governance
A Help Desk for inclusive governance is being launched to provide real-time assistance for transitioning to virtual meetings and conferences. The initiative aims to support organizations and countries in adapting to t...
Launch: Digital Watch weekly digest
Launching on September 28th, the Digital Watch weekly digest will offer updates in the digital policy field and global policy impacts. DiploFoundation and the Geneva Internet Platform will introduce 14 new projects be...
Launch: Tech Meets informal get-togethers (Geneva)
In Geneva, a growing network of tech diplomats will have informal get-togethers starting in October 2020. Various projects are set to launch, such as the Digital Watch observatory, cybersecurity courses, and an immers...
Launch of the Diplo’s new Data Engine
Diplo is launching a new Data Engine on October 12th. The engine aims to provide practical data use for diplomats and global governance actors, addressing diplomatic, technical, statistical, and AI-related aspects. Ad...
Launch: Digital Watch AI-powered media barometer
Launching on Monday, 19th October is the Digital Watch AI-powered media barometer, a tool analyzing global media coverage of digital issues. It enables monitoring of global and regional digital debates and priorities....
Launch: Diplomacy in the age of COVID-19 (Study)
DiploFoundation is launching a study on the impact of COVID-19 on multilateral diplomacy, supported by the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The study will analyze changes in diplomatic practices, including new to...
Launch: New Geneva Digital Atlas (Geneva and online)
The Geneva Digital Atlas will launch on October 26th, both in Geneva and online, to provide a guide for navigating digital issues in International Geneva. It aims to increase awareness of the digital scene, encourage ...
Launch: ConfTech Immersion Lab (Geneva)
The ConfTech Immersion Lab in Geneva, to be launched on October 29, will focus on enhancing meeting experiences through various formats and tech tools. It aims to improve the effectiveness of meetings with innovative ...
RightOn #12: SDGs and Human Rights: Leading the way to COVID-19 response and recovery
The webinar discusses how COVID-19 magnifies human rights issues and inequalities, stressing the importance of aligning response efforts with Sustainable Development Goals. International human rights mechanisms and na...
Human rights and the precarious condition of electoral democracy - Right On Web Chat
A webinar discusses the interconnectedness of human rights and electoral democracy amid challenges faced by democratic processes worldwide. Panelists will analyze the precarious state of electoral democracies, especia...
IGF 2020: Just-in-time reporting
The Internet Governance Forum 2020 will be held online with a focus on Internet for human resilience and solidarity. Just-in-time reports will be published by the Digital Watch observatory and DiploFoundation from Nov...
Launch of the Geneva Digital Atlas
The Geneva Digital Atlas has been launched, offering a detailed mapping of digital policy and internet governance activities in International Geneva. It covers the work of nearly 40 actors, including policy analysis, ...
RightOn #14: Our Future, Our Voice
The text discusses the intersection of climate justice, human rights, and environmental protection. It highlights the impact of environmental harm on children, particularly those in marginalized communities, and empha...
[Briefing #72] Internet governance in February 2021
A recap of the main internet governance updates in February 2021 and their impact on future developments was presented in Briefing #72. The briefing, hosted by the Geneva Internet Platform, offers insights into global...
[Briefing #71] Internet governance in January 2021
The message promotes attending the Internet governance briefing for January 2021 to recap key global and digital policy updates. It highlights the significance of upcoming topics for discussion and offers access to th...
6th Geneva Engage Awards
The 6th Geneva Engage Awards ceremony will take place on February 18, 2021. These awards honor International Geneva actors for their online engagement, particularly in connecting with communities affected by policies ...
[Briefing #73] Internet governance in March 2021
A briefing on internet governance took place in March 2021 discussing the final report of cybersecurity negotiations involving 68 states. The event featured the Chair of the Cyber, Ambassador Jurg Lauber, and covered ...
5th 'Road to Bern via Geneva' dialogue: On data and Tech4Good
The 5th 'Road to Bern via Geneva' dialogue on data and Tech4Good emphasized the critical role of data and technology in advancing sustainable development. The event highlighted the importance of leveraging data and di...
[Briefing #74] Internet governance in April 2021
A Digital Watch Internet Governance Briefing on April 27, 2021, covered global updates and emerging policy trends. The event featured Mr. Ljupčo Jivan Gjorgjinski, discussing topics like regulating lethal autonomous ...
[Briefing #75] Internet governance in May 2021
Monthly interactive Internet governance briefings are held on Zoom, live streaming also available via YouTube and Facebook. Organized by the Geneva Internet Platform's Digital Watch Observatory, the sessions offer the...
Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT) Tour
The AI and IoT Tour in Geneva explores the city's impact on artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. Organized by the Geneva Internet Platform as part of the 12 Tours to Navigate Geneva series, it delves in...
[Briefing #76] Internet governance in June 2021
June's Digital Watch Internet Governance Briefing on June 29th will cover policy updates from events like the Biden-Putin summit and G7 Summit discussing digital policies. It will also highlight the second cyber sessi...
[Briefing #78] Internet governance in September 2021
The Digital Watch Internet Governance Briefing will take place on September 28th, covering global updates and policy trends. Participation is possible through Zoom, YouTube, or Facebook. Regular updates are available ...
Monthly Internet governance briefing - October 2021
The monthly Internet governance briefing in October will cover global digital policy developments, such as new tax rules impacting big tech companies, and the agreement between the Trade and Technology Council to coll...
Capacity building on e-commerce: From lessons to solutions
This seminar will address capacity-building needs for e-commerce, aiming to clarify pathways to the 12th Ministerial Conference and bolster participation of developing countries in trade discussions. Speakers will exp...
Monthly Internet Governance Briefing – November 2021
Attend the Digital Watch Internet Governance Briefing on November 30th to stay updated on global internet governance and digital policies. Join experts to analyze current and emerging trends. Register for an interacti...
[Briefing for diplomats] An inclusive internet: Lowering the barriers for access
The online briefing for diplomats highlights the importance of closing the digital divide and promoting an inclusive internet. Topics include accelerating access, addressing inequalities, and considering factors beyon...
Security Tour - 12 Tours to Navigate Digital Geneva
The text discusses the importance of digital security in today's world and highlights an upcoming security tour in Geneva featuring key cybersecurity experts and discussions. It also mentions the recent meeting betwee...
Technology for Development
A dialogue titled "Technology for Development" will be held on December 15. The event emphasizes the importance of technological advancements respecting human rights and democracy while addressing social inequality. S...
[Briefing #81] What's in store for digital policy in 2022?
The message invites participation in the Digital Watch Internet Governance Briefing on January 25 at 13.00, discussing upcoming digital policy trends for 2022. Participants can join via Zoom, YouTube, or Facebook. Upd...
7th Geneva Engage Awards - What is Geneva’s digital footprint?
The 7th Geneva Engage Awards recognize organizations in International Geneva for their social media engagement and online presence. The awards highlight the global impact of Geneva through social media, web relevance,...
[Briefing #82] Standards in digital policy | Cybersecurity and humanitarian work
February's Digital Watch Internet Governance Briefing on February 22nd will focus on the role of standards in digital policy, the upcoming World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly, and the intersection of cybe...
[Briefing #77] Internet governance in July and August 2021
Access the latest digital policy updates by visiting the Digital Watch Updates and Trends pages. Subscribe to the weekly or monthly newsletters for insights. The Digital Watch Internet Governance Briefing is facilitat...
8th Geneva Engage Awards
The 8th Geneva Engage Awards ceremony will be held online and onsite, recognizing International Geneva actors for their social media engagement. New this year is an Accessibility Award, highlighting website accessibil...
Conference on Building Trust in Digital Identities
A conference on Building Trust in Digital Identities will address the challenges and promises of digital identity solutions, focusing on ensuring safety, interoperability, data security, and user control. The event, o...
9th Geneva Engage Awards
The Geneva Engage Awards, part of the Geneva Engage initiative, recognize the digital outreach efforts of International Geneva actors yearly. These awards assess social media engagement, website relevance, and accessi...
Visit by the Digital Policy Leadership Program, University of St. Gallen
Under the framework of the Digital Policy Leadership Program (DPLP), a joint initiative between Insper Brazil and the University of St. Gallen, a group of students will visit Diplo and meet with some of their exp...
Related blogs
[Briefing #1] Internet governance in January 2014
In January 2014, diplomats are urged to stay updated on Internet governance developments. The Geneva Internet Platform offers monthly briefings discussing recent events and upcoming forums. Topics range from net neutr...
[Briefing #2] Internet governance in February 2014
DiploFoundation's Geneva Internet Platform offers monthly webinars discussing internet governance developments. February's briefing covered European Commission's stance on internet policy, ITU's involvement in upcomin...
Official Launch of the Geneva Internet Platform - Tuesday 8th April
The launch of the Geneva Internet Platform on April 8th emphasizes the city's role in reshaping digital governance. The platform aims to enhance global internet governance, address policy initiatives, and facilitate m...
The Internet - an instrument for humanity not a tool for control: GIP launch
The Geneva Internet Platform (GIP) launch emphasizes the importance of addressing Internet Governance challenges while fostering digital growth and innovation. Key figures stress the need for neutral institutions in t...
Chrono-narcissism, 1914 - 2014 and Technology
Jovan Kurbalija live-tweets events from 1914, highlighting the acceleration of history after Archduke Ferdinand's assassination. This project, dubbed "Chrono-narcissism, 1914 – 2014 and Technology," examines the lin...
Internet Governance in September 2014: The resurrection of cyberspace
In September 2014, discussions on Internet governance were revived, particularly focusing on the concept of cyberspace. Various global players like the European Union, Brazil, and India were highlighted for their evol...
[Briefing #9] Internet governance in October 2014 The dance of the Titans
In October 2014, significant developments in internet governance involved the 51st ICANN meeting where discussions on the transition process and government contributions took place. The Plenipotentiary meeting, which ...
"The gift that goes on giving" - Day One of the GIC
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‘Geneva IS a hub for IG’: GIC Day Two
The 2014 Geneva Internet Conference successfully brought together key players in Internet Governance, confirming Geneva as a hub for IG. The event attracted authorities like Bob Kahn and featured a diverse panel discu...
[Briefing #14] Internet governance in April 2015
The April briefing highlighted global cybersecurity being at the forefront, with a focus on the Global Conference on Cyberspace 2015. Discussions also touched upon topics like the Budapest Convention, Internet governa...
Internet governance in July and August
The Barometer for July and August highlighted cybersecurity, internet governance transition, and privacy as key topics. Major events included UN sessions, internet governance forums, and cybersecurity seminars. Update...
[Briefing #18] Internet governance in September 2015
In September 2015, key events included the US-China cyber arms deal emerging from a summit, privacy developments in Europe, progress in internet governance, and the Center's monthly briefing summarizing these occurren...
How did Facebook go down? An analysis
Facebook, along with its sister services Whatsapp, Instagram, and Facebook Messenger, experienced a six-hour outage due to a technical issue with Border Gateway Protocol settings. Potential scenarios include a technic...
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Diplo: Effective and inclusive diplomacy
Diplo is a non-profit foundation established by the governments of Malta and Switzerland. Diplo works to increase the role of small and developing states, and to improve global governance and international policy development.