
The Diplo Wisdom Circle is a Diplo initiative that goes beyond the realm of diplomacy. Its aim is to foster exchanges on social, economic, political, and other important issues between our readers and the eminent and innovative thinkers, professors, Diplo alumni, diplomats, activists, and business people Diplo has had the fortune to work with over the years.

In the spirit of café philosophique, we encourage you to join the discussion and share your experiences, reflections, and questions via article comments.

If you feel there are important topics our authors should consider, or would like to share your comments on the initiative, please write to use at wisdomcircle@diplomacy.edu.

Latest articles

Part 3 – Speaking of futures: Presuppositions

Biljana Scott

Part 1 - Speaking of futures: Story-capsules  | Part 2 - Speaking of futures: Que serÃ...

Part 1 – Speaking of futures: Story-capsules

Biljana Scott

Part 2 - Speaking of futures: Que será, será  | Part 3 – Speaking of futures: Pres...

The diplomatic consequences of Mrs Sacoolas

Geoff Berridge

02 February 2024

On 8 December 2022, appearing by video link at the Old Bailey in London, Anne Sacoolas, US ...

‘Soft power’ is nothing more than influence

Geoff Berridge

The term ‘soft power’ (and its siblings ‘hard power’ and ‘smart power’), employ...

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