DiploNews – Issue 17 – 4 January 2000
DiploNews in 2000
Welcome to DiploNews in 2000! After a short pause for holiday we are continuing with the newsletters. Along with our general coverage of issues related to IT and diplomacy, in the next few weeks we will focus on knowledge management in diplomacy, in the framework of our forthcoming conference on knowledge and diplomacy.
DiploKnowledge – Second International Conference on Knowledge and Diplomacy (11-13 February 2000)
Preparations for the Second International Conference on Knowledge and Diplomacy (11-13 February 2000) are progressing very well. You can visit the conference website and updated program.
Conference highlight: Launching of the DiploML project. XML (Extended Markup Language) is likely to become the key format for the exchange of documents in the future. XML provides an opportunity for developing specialized sets of formats (markup languages) for various professions (MathML, BioML, etc.). Given the importance of documents in diplomatic activities, we have started research on DiploML (Markup Language for Diplomacy). DiploML will provide descriptions of the major documents used in diplomacy (note verbal, international conventions, etc.). With DiploML and new technology based on XML, diplomatic services should benefit more directly from information technology.
Letters from Blonay
Letters from Blonay are written by Professor Kappeler, founding director of the Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies and active contributor to DiploProjects. In these letters Professor Kappeler provides us with his views and reflections about modern developments in society and international relations.
You can visit the current version. A more interactive version allowing readers to comment on the letters will be available shortly.