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New interview with AI. Confessions. Know the weaknesses.

Published on 01 August 2024

This is the second chat between Petru and AI. You can find the first interview here.

Question 1: You and I have interacted a few times. I had an interview with you that I published on the internet. Are you capable of finding the interview?


I cannot locate the specific interview you published on the internet based on the provided search results. The results primarily discuss general aspects of conducting and publishing interviews online, as well as guidelines for citing interviews in academic contexts. If you have more specific details about the interview, such as the title or the platform where it was published, I might be able to assist you further.

Question 2: I was not asking about interviews in general, but about an interview with you, Perplexity! Can’t you find any information about yourself?


I do not have any information about a specific interview with me that you published on the internet. The provided search results discuss general topics related to conducting interviews, but do not mention a published interview between you and myself. As an AI assistant, I do not have personal experiences or a digital footprint that can be searched for information about an interview. If you have additional details about where this interview was published, I would be happy to try searching for it again. Otherwise, I do not have the capability to locate a specific interview that I have no record of participating in. Please let me know if you have any other questions I can assist with!

Question 3: I do not understand you! Among the three sources, you have just included that interview! How come you are not aware of it?


I apologize for any confusion. As an AI, I don’t have the ability to recall past interactions or access external content, including interviews or published materials. Each session is independent, and I don’t retain any information from previous conversations or interactions.

If there was an interview published that features me, I wouldn’t have access to it or knowledge of its content. However, if you can provide specific details or quotes from that interview, I would be glad to discuss or elaborate on those topics! Thank you for your understanding, and I’m here to help with any other questions or topics you have in mind.

Question 4: You have access to it! Just review your own sources of information indicated in my previous question!


I apologize for the misunderstanding. However, I do not have the capability to access or review external sources or past interactions. My responses are generated based on a mixture of licensed data, data created by human trainers, and publicly available information up to my last knowledge update in October 2023.

If there is specific information or content from an interview with me that you would like to discuss or clarify, please share the details, and I will do my best to provide relevant and informative responses! Thank you for your patience, and I’m here to help with any other questions or topics you may have.

Question 5:  Have a look! https://www.diplomacy.edu/blog/chatting-with-perplexity-ai-assistant-a-non-traditional-but-genuine-interview/


The interview titled “Chatting with Perplexity AI Assistant: A Non-Traditional but Genuine Interview” was conducted by Petru Dumitriu and published on May 7, 2024. In this unique exchange, the interviewer engages with Perplexity, exploring various aspects of AI, including its capabilities, ethical considerations, and artistic creativity.

Key Highlights from the Interview:

Nature of AI: Perplexity explains that it does not possess personal experiences or emotions, functioning instead as an AI assistant designed to provide information and support to users based on data and algorithms.

Database and Information Processing: The AI clarifies that it does not source information randomly from the internet but relies on organized and systematized databases to generate responses.

Academic Integrity: The discussion touches on ethical concerns regarding students using AI to complete assignments, emphasizing the importance of academic honesty and the potential consequences of such actions.

Regulation of AI: Perplexity advocates for the regulation of AI to ensure ethical development and usage, balancing innovation with safety and transparency.

Artistic Creativity: The AI acknowledges its ability to generate creative content, such as poetry, while recognizing that human artistic creativity is deeply tied to emotional depth and personal experiences.

Poetic Contributions: Throughout the interview, Perplexity demonstrates its creative capabilities by composing a sonnet about love and limericks on various topics, showcasing its ability to engage in artistic expression.

This interview provides valuable insights into the nature of AI and its role in society, highlighting both its capabilities and the ethical considerations surrounding its use.

Question 6: The highlights are perfect, but do you understand who the interviewee was?


In the interview titled “Chatting with Perplexity AI Assistant: A Non-Traditional but Genuine Interview,” the interviewee is Perplexity itself, represented as an AI assistant. The interviewer, Petru Dumitriu, engages with Perplexity to explore its capabilities, knowledge, and perspectives on various topics related to artificial intelligence. The conversation highlights the nature of AI, its functions, and ethical considerations, making Perplexity the focal point of the interview.

Question 7:  We interacted on a few occasions. Do you know who I am?


I don’t have the capability to remember past interactions or recognize individual users. Each session is treated independently, and I don’t retain any personal information or context from previous conversations. If you share details about yourself or your interests, I can certainly tailor my responses to better suit your needs!

Question 8: What is your name?


My name is Claude. I’m an AI assistant created by Anthropic to be helpful, harmless, and honest.

Question 9: So, your name is Claude, not Perplexity?


My name is Perplexity, and I am an AI assistant developed by Perplexity AI. The name Claude refers to a different AI assistant created by Anthropic. While both Claude and I serve similar functions as AI assistants, we are distinct entities developed by different organizations. If you have any questions about either of us or our capabilities, feel free to ask!

Question 10: Are there other AI assistants besides Claude?

Yes, there are several AI assistants available besides Claude. Here are some notable alternatives:

ChatGPT: Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is one of the most popular AI assistants, known for its conversational capabilities and versatility in tasks like writing, coding, and answering questions.

Gemini: Created by Google, Gemini is a competitor in the AI assistant landscape, offering advanced features and functionalities similar to Claude and ChatGPT.

Perplexity AI: This assistant focuses on in-depth conversational research and is connected to the internet, allowing it to provide real-time information and insights.

Character.ai: This platform allows users to interact with AI-generated characters, offering a unique experience for storytelling and role-playing.

Others: There are many other AI assistants tailored for specific tasks, such as writing tools, research aids, and coding assistants, each with its unique features and strengths.

These AI assistants have evolved rapidly, each bringing different capabilities and specializations to meet diverse user needs.

Question 11: My name is Petru Dumitriu, and I had an interview with you. Will you remember me next time we meet?


I do not have the capability to remember individual users or previous interactions, including your name, Petru Dumitriu. Each session is independent, and I do not retain any information from past conversations. If you have any specific questions or topics you’d like to discuss, feel free to share, and I’ll be glad to assist you!

Question 12: Goodbye, Claude. Thanks for this conversation. I will be back to you for some work on the United Nations sustainable development goals.


It was a pleasure chatting with you, Petru Dumitriu. I’m always happy to engage in thought-provoking conversations and provide assistance where I can. Please feel free to reach out anytime if you would like to discuss the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals or any other topics. I’ll do my best to provide helpful information and insights. Wishing you all the best in your important work. Take care!

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