DiploFoundation and the Geneva Internet Platform (GIP) will participate in the 11th annual meeting of the European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG). The meeting will be held on 5–6 June 2018, in Tbilisi, Georgia, under the overarching theme ‘Innovative strategies for our digital future’. Diplo staff members will participate as speakers and moderators in several sessions, and a team of GIP rapporteurs will provide reports from most sessions.
A team of GIP rapporteurs will provide reports from most EuroDIG sessions, and assist with the preparation of EuroDIG messages. The messages will be made available on the EuroDIG wiki, and the session reports will be published on the GIP Digital Watch website.
Vladimir Radunovic, Diplo’s Cybersecurity and E-diplomacy Programmes Director, will moderate two sessions:
- Is GDPR still a mystery? | 5 June, 11:30 – 13:00
- The session we will try to unveil the mysteries surrounding the new rights that the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is bringing for individuals, as well as the obligations imposed on companies or public authorities.
- Platform and data neutrality – access to content | 5 June, 14:30 – 16:00
- The session aims to initiate discussions about platform neutrality, map the concerns of communities, and listen to arguments of why or why not such practices represent a challenge.
Arvin Kamberi, Diplo’s Multimedia Coordinator, will participate as moderator and key participant, respectively, in other two sessions:
- Building on a blockchain | 6 June, 11:00 – 12:30
- The session will start with an explanation of the blockchain technology and will continue with an interactive game of creating one analogue blockchain.
- Blockchain – a competition to governments? | 6 June, 16:15 – 17:15
- Participants in this session will present some blockchain use cases and will discuss blockchain specific regulation with a focus on cryptocurrencies and tokens.
In addition, Diplo’s Digital Policy Senior Researcher Sorina Teleanu will support the YouthDIG programme, on 3–4 June, the newcomers briefing session on 4 June, and the NRI Assembly on 4 June.
Times are indicated in local/Tbilisi time.