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Developing capacity for humanitarian diplomacy in Bangladesh

Published on 09 July 2013
Updated on 05 April 2024

In this short interview from June 2013, Mohamed Keramot Ali, Field Coordinator of the Community-based Development Initiatives (CDI) Program at the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society, explains how he put the skills he developed during the Humanitarian Diplomacy online course into practice.

The online course on Humanitarian Diplomacy was developed and is offered through cooperation between DiploFoundation and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). The course aims to develop capacity for humanitarian diplomacy work at RCRC national societies.

How did you hear about this coursimage of M Keramot Alie, and why did you decide to apply?

I heard about the course through Diplo’s e-mail newsletter. As I am working with the RCRC movement, I believed that the course would help me to perform better work in the future, and in the international arena. I also wanted to share what I learned with my colleagues at my national society.

What was the online learning methodology like? How did the course work?

We had an online classroom, reading materials, and blogs for discussion, as well as research work in groups. In fact, the course was very interactive. I was able to learn from other participants about their experiences in their own work, and this helped me in my work. The online learning method was convenient for me, because without hampering my office work, I was able to complete the course.

Was the course relevant for your work?

Yes, this course was very relevant for my work. I think this course developed my skills to handle organising workshops, national level meetings, and advocacy with government ministries, international organisations, and donors. All of these things are very important parts of my work. For me, the most valuable and relevant parts of the course were learning skills for advocacy and negotiation methods, as well as learning about international humanitarian law.

I also organised a humanitarian diplomacy orientation among the staff at my national society. I was able to share what I had learned for the benefit of my colleagues and organisation.

What are the challenges in attending this course? What do you recommend to applicants to consider, before applying?

In developing countries, Internet facilities are not good. Before applying, everyone should ensure that they have adequate Internet facilities and computer skills.

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