
Katharina Höne

Scientific Officer, DLR Projektträger (German Aerospace Center) | Researcher Diplomacy and Technology

Katharina (Kat) E. Höne researches, writes, and teaches at the intersection of international relations and digital technology. Until June 2023, she served as the Director of Research at DiploFoundation.

Her interest and expertise include the impact of digital technology on international relations and diplomatic practices, the ethical and equitable (global) governance of artificial intelligence and its role as a topic and tool of foreign policy, and science diplomacy in the context of emerging digital technologies.

She has given presentations, conducted trainings, and undertaken research for the African Union, the European External Action Service, the foreign ministries of Finland, Namibia, and South Africa, the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. She holds a PhD from the Department of International Politics at Aberystwyth University (UK) and an MA in diplomatic studies from the University of Leicester (UK).

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