Unpacking Global Digital Compact: Actors, Issues, and Processes

Unpacking the Global Digital Compact explores the origins and impact of the Global Digital Compact (GDC), a new UN framework adopted at the 2024 Summit of the Future to shape digital and AI governance. This book explores the GDC's complex negotiations and its role in f... Read more...

Diplo publication Unpacking Global Digital Compact Sorina Teleanu front III

Diplomacy Reimagined: Competencies 2040 | Talents, knowledge, and skills for diplomats in the AI Era

The book examines how AI is transforming diplomacy by automating routine tasks, allowing diplomats to focus on essential human skills like engagement and negotiation. The author explores the evolving importance of talents, knowledge, and skills, emphasising the need f... Read more...

Diplomacy Reimagined

Tech Diplomacy: Actors, Trends, and Controversies

In today’s world, tech diplomacy bridges governments and tech companies, focusing on governance, policy, and cooperation in digital technologies and AI. This publication examines its definition, relevance, key actors, methods, and global hubs. It builds on prior repo... Read more...

Tech Diplomacy book cover

Understanding AI through national flags

Understanding how AI functions is becoming necessary for everyone, from citizens to societal leaders. Citizens’ basic rights and well-being can be affected by AI. Political and business leaders have to make decisions about AI, sometimes involving delicate trade-offs.... Read more...

Diplo publication Explaining AI through UN flags Jovan Kurbalija FINAL front 2

History of Diplomacy and Technology: From Smoke Signals to Artificial Intelligence

The book 'History of Diplomacy and Technology' reminds us that every new technology throughout history has promised to change the... Read more...

History of Diplomacy and Technology COVER EB 1 copy

Diplomacy and Globalization: Theorizing, Cases and Synergies

Diplomacy and Globalization, is the first book in the series The Badger School of Diplomacy authored by Milan Jazbec, PhD, Ambassador and Professor of diplomacy, poet and writer, member of the first generation of Slovene diplomats, employed at the Ministry of Foreign a... Read more...

Diplomacy and Globalization Jazbec Cover

The Diplomacy of Ancient Greece – A Short Introduction

Employed against a warlike background, the diplomatic methods of the ancient Greeks are thought by some to have been useless but by others to have been the most advanced seen prior to modern times.... Read more...

Book, Publication, Advertisement, Poster, Person, Silhouette, Sword, Weapon, Comics, Adult, Male, Man

Diplomacy and Secret Service

Intelligence officers working under diplomatic protection are rarely out of the news for long, and the last two years have been no exception. How did the relationship between diplomacy and secret intelligence come about? What was the impact on it of the bureaucratizati... Read more...

Advertisement, Poster, Blackboard, Silhouette, Adult, Male, Man, Person

Internet Governance Acronym Glossary

The 2019 edition of the Internet governance Acronym Glossary, compiled by DiploFoundation, contains explanations of over 150 acronyms, initialisms, and abbreviations used in IG parlance. In addition to the complete term, most entries include a concise explanation and a... Read more...

Acronym 3.0

Diplomacy, Satire and the Victorians

This book, which rests on extensive use of private papers, official documents, press archives and not least Grenville-Murray’s vast output (including novels), is the first biography of this complex man to be written. It begins with the difficulties produced by his il... Read more...

Advertisement, Adult, Male, Man, Person, Publication, Book, Face, Head

An Introduction to Internet Governance

'An Introduction to Internet Governance provides an excellent entry point. It has introduced many diplomats and officials to this emerging field of global policy. For others, it will stimulate reflections from linguistic, legal, and other perspectives. This book clearl... Read more...

IGbook 7th eng

Introducción a la Gobernanza de Internet

Aunque la gobernanza de Internet trata de los fundamentos del mundo digital, la gobernanza no puede manejarse con la lógica digital binaria de lo verdadero o lo falso, lo bueno o lo malo. En cambio, el sujeto exige muchas sutilezas y sombras de significado y percepciÃ... Read more...

igbook spanish

A Diplomatic Whistleblower in the Victorian Era: The Life and Writings of E. C. Grenville-Murray, Second Edition (Revised) 2015

Unlike Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden, the most well-known whistleblowers of the present day, Eustace Clare Grenville-Murray (1823-1881), the illegitimate son of an English duke and an actress who was also a lover of Lord Palmerston, did not make public highly clas... Read more...

book whistleblower

DiploDialogue – Metaphors for Diplomats

On Diplo’s blog, in Diplo’s classrooms, and at Diplo’s events, dialogues stretch over a series of entries, comments, and exchanges and may even linger. DiploDialogue summarises. It’s like in sports events: DiploDialogue aims to bring focus by deleting what, in ... Read more...

Book, Publication, Page, Text

Persuasion, the Essence of Diplomacy

This journey through persuasion in diplomacy was initiated by Professor Kappeler’s long experience in both practicing diplomacy and in training diplomats. ... Read more...

book persuasion

Twitter for Diplomats

Twitter for Diplomats is not a manual, or a list of what to do or not to do. It is rather a collection of information, anecdotes, and experiences. It recounts a few episodes involving foreign ministers and ambassadors, as well as their ways of interacting with the tool... Read more...

book twitter

Modern Diplomacy

Modern Diplomacy is a collection of papers presented in Malta at the International Conference on Information Technology and Diplomacy (May 1997) and the International Conference on Modern Diplomacy (February 1998). Papers examine technological development, new actors i... Read more...


Emerging Leaders for the Digital World

Emerging leaders, whose stories feature in this publication, are among 501 participants from 60 ACP countries who participated in the Capacity Development programme in ICT Policy and Internet Governance for Africa Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) 2010/2011.... Read more...

book leaders

Book of Abstracts (Internet Governance)

This collection of abstracts comes from from research projects conducted during the 2010/2011 Internet Governance Capacity Building Programme (IGCBP).... Read more...

book abstracts

Le Bicorne et la Plume

Diplomats normally write a lot. It is part of their trade. But do they publish? They certainly do since there are at least six Nobel Literature prize winners among them (St John Perse, Pablo Neruda, George Séféris, Ivo Andrić, Czesław Miłosz, Octavio Paz) and mayb... Read more...

book lebicorne

Through the Diplomatic Looking Glass

This study presents and analyses books published by Italian diplomats. The more than seven-hundred and fifty titles listed give a broad and varied picture of diplomats and the diplomatic world. This volume evokes not only the talent for describing situations and charac... Read more...

book through

Roma Diplomacy

Roma Diplomacy is a collection of papers written or inspired through Diplo’s 2005/2006 Roma Diplomacy project. ... Read more...

book roma

Foreign Ministries: Managing Diplomatic Networks and Optimizing Value

This is a collection of papers presented at the 2006 Conference on Foreign Ministries hosted by DiploFoundation in May 2006, in Geneva. The overarching theme is the adaptation and reform that these ministries have undertaken, in the shape of country experiences and the... Read more...

Foreign Ministries

Multistakeholder Diplomacy – Challenges and Opportunities

This book is a collection of papers from Diplo’s February 2005 conference in Malta and from research interns involved in our Multistakeholder Diplomacy internship programme.... Read more...

book multistakeholder

Crossing the Executive Digital Divide

Information and communications technologies (ICT) have become critical in business, government, manufacturing, critical infrastructures, academia, and, literally, everywhere else, and yet, despite the large sums of money involved, ICT remains the least well understood ... Read more...

book digitaldivide

Intercultural Communication and Diplomacy

Intercultural Communication and Diplomacy is a collection of papers presented at two conferences: the 2003 Conference on Intercultural Communication and Diplomacy, and the 2004 Conference on Organisational and Professional Cultures and Diplomacy.... Read more...

book intercultural

The Information Society Library

The Information Society Library (ISL) is a series of non-technical booklets providing information and guidelines on key cyberspace- and Internet-related issues. ... Read more...

Person, Sitting, Computer, Electronics, Laptop, Pc, Clothing, Coat, Kneeling, Smoke Pipe, Lady, Indoors

Knowledge and Diplomacy

Knowledge and Diplomacy presents papers on knowledge and knowledge management from the January 1999 Conference on Knowledge and Diplomacy in Malta. The papers in this book, examining the topic from a variety of backgrounds, academic interests and orientations, reflect ... Read more...

book knowledge

Building.org: a manager’s guide to creating successful websites for international organisations

Building.org walks the reader through the decision-making process involved in creating a website: Should development of the website be outsourced or done in-house? What staff should be hired? How should the project be managed, and which department should be in charge? ... Read more...

book buildingorg

Language and Diplomacy

Language and Diplomacy is a collection of papers presented at the February 2000 Second International Conference on Knowledge and Diplomacy and the January 2001 Conference on Language and Diplomacy. The book examines traditional aspects of language in diplomacy: diploma... Read more...

Language and Diplomacy cover


Decoding Disinformation: Lessons from Case Studies

The evolution of the internet over the years has played a crucial role in the access to and dissemination of information. The digitalisation of news portals, the creation of social media, and the presence of AI have not only contributed to informing people about everyd... Read more...

Decoding Disinformation cover

Tech diplomacy practice in the San Francisco Bay Area

A fresh look five years after the first mapping in 2018, this report examines how countries engage in tech diplomacy in the San Francisco Bay Area. The report maps a selection of diplomatic representations to illustrate the variety of approaches engaged and identifies ... Read more...

Advertisement, Bridge, Suspension Bridge, Poster

Mapping the challenges and opportunities of artificial intelligence for the conduct of diplomacy

The report discusses the impact of artificial intelligence on diplomacy, highlighting its growing importance and influence on international relations. AI presents both challenges and opportunities for diplomats and professionals in the field of international relations.... Read more...


Rapport: Des voix africaines plus fortes dans le numérique : construire une politique étrangère et une diplomatie africaines du numérique

À mesure que le dynamisme numérique de l'Afrique s'accroît, sa participation à la politique numérique mondiale doit augmenter. Dans cette transition, les pays africains doivent composer avec les réalités géopolitiques de notre époque.... Read more...

Advertisement, Poster, Page, Text, Art, Graphics, Dynamite, Weapon

Stronger digital voices from Africa: Building African digital foreign policy and diplomacy

As Africa’s digital dynamism grows, its participation in global digital policy must increase. In this transition, African countries have to navigate the geopolitical realities of our times.

The report is also

Advertisement, Poster, Art, Graphics, Dynamite, Weapon

Science diplomacy capacity development

Diplo has a track record of more than 20 years of capacity development in diplomacy. Given the increasing relevance of science diplomacy, expanding our program to include aspects of its theory and practice felt like an organic development. We offered our ten-week Scien... Read more...

Advertisement, Poster, Sphere, Food, Ketchup, Text

International digital standards: A case for the involvement of stakeholders in the ARIN region

The purpose of this paper is to help raise awareness about digital standards among the small, developing countries in the ARIN service region. In doing so, we start with an overview of what digital standards are and where they are developed at the international level. ... Read more...

Text, Logo

Report: The geopolitics of digital standards: China’s role in standard-setting organisations

Standards for digital technologies are all around us, enabling devices to interact with each other, allowing us to connect to mobile networks, and facilitating the exchange of information. By providing rules or guidelines for the development and functioning of techno... Read more...

Sphere, Text, Astronomy, outer space, Disk

Improving the practice of cyber diplomacy: Training, tools, and other resources – Final study

This study analyses the capacity development of cyber diplomacy, including training opportunities, tools, and other resources, and looks at their reach, take-up, and what should come next. Why? Because although cyber diplomacy, the conduct of diplomacy with respect to ... Read more...

Page, Text, Advertisement, Poster, Water, Animal, Fish, Sea Life, Shark

Digital Commerce Course: a five-year assessment

The publication evaluates the impact of the Digital Commerce Course, aimed at providing capacity building on e-commerce to trade professionals. Over the years, the course has helped trade negotiators navigate an ever more complex e-commerce agenda, which currently enco... Read more...

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Improving the practice of cyber diplomacy: Training, tools, and other resources – Phase I

Cyber diplomacy, the conduct of diplomacy with respect to a state’s interests in cyberspace, is too important to ignore. Yet, the participation of countries is far from ideal.... Read more...

Page, Text, Advertisement, Poster

2021: The emergence of digital foreign policy

While digital tools, in particular social media, have been gradually introduced to the practice of diplomacy, many open questions remain regarding the impact of digitisation on foreign policy and the environment in which diplomacy is practised. This is where digital fo... Read more...

Cover The emergence of digital foreign policy copy

The future of (multilateral) diplomacy? Changes in response to COVID-19 and beyond

The year 2020 marked the 75th anniversary of the United Nations (UN). It is also the year that the world was faced with responding to the emergence of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, an unprecedented global challenge that has left no area of society and no individual ... Read more...

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Sustainable Capacity Building: Internet Governance in Africa – An Action Plan

Enhancing sustainable capacity building on internet governance (IG) would have positive consequences within and beyond the African context. Considering the importance of the issues that fall under the framework of IG – ranging from providing access to infrastructure... Read more...

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Mediation and artificial intelligence: Notes on the future of international conflict resolution

Over the last years AI has emerged as a hot topic with regard to its impact on our political, social, and economic lives.... Read more...

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Digital Commerce Capacity Development

This publication presents the thematic approach, methodology, achievements and lessons learned from a capacity development initiative on e-commerce jointly offered in 2017/2018 by DiploFoundation, CUTS International Geneva, the International Trade Centre (ITC), the Gen... Read more...

Advertisement, Poster, Ammunition, Bullet, Weapon, Text, Paper

The Rise of TechPlomacy in the Bay area

Tech diplomacy is becoming a necessity for countries worldwide. Countries need to capture the nexus between technology innovation and economic developments. To be effectively present in the Bay Area, countries need to use innovative diplomatic approaches. This report d... Read more...

TechPlomacy report

Data Diplomacy: Mapping the Field

The adoption of open data policies and the standardization of data collection were among the recommendations made during DiploFoundation's Data Diplomacy Roundtable: Mapping the Field, a brainstorming event that took place on 5 April 2017 – on the role of (big) data ... Read more...

Page, Text, Advertisement, Poster

Cybersecurity in the Western Balkans: Policy gaps and cooperation opportunities

Report on cybersecurity cooperation in the Western Balkans....

Advertisement, Poster, Page, Text

Cybersecurity competence building trends

Report on cybersecurity competence building trends in OECD countries.... Read more...

Adult, Male, Man, Person, Computer, Electronics, Laptop, Pc, Cup, Computer Hardware, Hardware, Monitor, Screen, Logo, Computer Keyboard

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